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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Well, then I'll bring the liquor and shoe polish.
  2. I'll bring the inverter and 22" flat screen. Game Cube FTW. ...and why does the dildo have to be black you racist prick?
  3. Hey CRAWDAD, don't worry about these fucks that want you banned. You have a faster car than they do AND you actually go to the track instead of running your mouth and not showing up becasue an axle broke or a spark plug is missing. These lazy keyboard cowboy cocksuckers have nothing better to do than hate a motherfucker like you, a racer. After all this is Columbus RACING! WTF are you doing here CRAWDAD? A racer with a fast Mustang - why the fuck should you NOT be banned. Fuck these pussy motherfuckers who think they can talk shit on the Net and pretend their words don't actually mean something, hiding behind the idea that this is some sort of fantasy land. They are the bitches who get pissed at others for cutting them off in traffic AND get pissed at the motherfucker they cut off in traffic for being in their way. They're just lowlife fools who deserve nothing more than the woman they jerk off to from the Pics and Vids section. Fucking fags - you know who you are. And what? If you are pissed by now and think I should be banned - fuck you - you are the ones I'm talking about.
  4. Try owning/running a successful trucking business you retarded ignorant fuck before you open your pie hole and prove that your a fucking idiot.
  5. rch10007


    I got to here and stopped: The excuses in that posts are overwhelming. The truth is, Tressel is a choke artist. The team enjoys wins all year and the stats of being #1 until they meet a real team. I don't think that any team in the Big 10 is going to handle USC, LSU, or UF so how the fuck is the above quote valid in any sense of the word? If you build team A to beat beat teams B and C and then team D kills your ass, wouldn't you think that building a team like D would be more appropriate? Team D is also going to kill B and C. To say you're building a team to handle regional competition is bogus. This is why Tressel is a fraud. Fuck his record. When it comes right down to it, he can't perform.
  6. Sarcasm isn't asking if someone's daughter does anal. The best you can do at this point is apologize Kenny. You can take that to heart.
  7. No, but my daughter is 14 and I don't appreciate some cocksucker asking if she does anal.
  8. Phil, I didn't think you knew wtf you were saying but Kenny thinks it's funny to ask another man if his daughter does anal. Instead of apologizing, he keeps it up. I'm reading all his previous posts right now. I'll figure out what I need to know.
  9. You do realize that your motherfuckers are talking about my daughter, right? Asking for pics was a joke, that's ok - but asking if my daughter does anal and then to say she would do anything for $$$. Pray.
  10. I would have thought your father taught you better than this.
  11. I'll be more than happy to fuck you in the ass Kenny. What's your address?
  12. rch10007


    Don't you mean: GIRLS > *
  13. You posted this shit, you pedaFAIL. Go kill yourself.
  14. rch10007


    Being "independent within the government" is still gooberment. A camshaft isn't the motor, but it's still part of the motor.
  15. rch10007


    I had to correct a URL above to: http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm
  16. rch10007


    Well, if the URL: http://www.federalreserve.gov/ doesn't give it away... ...maybe reading this will: http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm
  17. Remind me to NEVER bring my 14 yo daughter to any meets...
  18. rch10007


    Before I could buy into the idea that they are too big to loose, I'd like to know how them going under would affect me.
  19. Too bad - it's a clean looking car. I guess that means it isn't worth what some think it's worth.
  20. rch10007


    They said the company is so big that if it went under the world would come to a fucking stop and we'd all fly off. I've been looking into retro-fitting my truck with afterburners.
  21. 5.56? How about: http://freedomstatesalliance.com/images/compare.jpg
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