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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Where did he have them removed? How much did it cost him?
  2. Nice. Did you do all the mods yourself?
  3. Please admit you're just kidding. Palin never said what you accused her of saying. She said that she didn't agree with abortion and she would counsel the victim of rape BUT would NOT seek legal action against them.
  4. 11. Never get high from your own supply
  5. Well, you said basic math and science. You didn't say they learned to read and write. Besides, I think kids should have to go to school year round, like all the countries who smoke our asses in educational stats. Therefore, my list would take up about 14GB of bandwidth to post and I don't think the admin who like that very much.
  6. I'm sure there's a detailer around who can smooth out where the edges were. Worst case, it might take 1000 dry, 1500 wet, rub, polish, wax... WTF are you doing in here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be running some numbers or something?
  7. How about they know how to: 1. read 2. write 3. mow the grass 4. make moonshine 5. speak another language 6. stack cash 7. NOT exceed their fucking cell phone minutes 8. be responsible for their actions 9. listen to their parents 10. stack enough cash selling moonshine to take care of their parents when they can't walk anymore
  8. I want to remove the silver Roush stripes running down the center and sides of my truck. I believe they are some sort of vinyl and may just pull off. Who can do this without trashing the paint? I imagine the truck will need to be completely buffed after the stripes are removed, so I figure this will add to the cost. Who has the experience to do this and what will it cost me? The truck: 2006 Roush Stage 3 F150 Supercab Here are a couple of pics of the stripes: http://a676.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/55/l_8f952c8120ae5be25418394e7e4b730b.jpg http://a346.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/75/l_2756fd939a5a34f13e9795ba4c2f2941.jpg Depending on how it looks after the stripes come off, I may want the 4X4 on the bed removed as well.
  9. I said aborted, not abortion. At least you understood my point. If a woman's body rejects a fetus, it's ok. If she personally rejects it and has it removed, it's an issue. .................................. When you gonna make me a deal on that Leer lowpro top and bedrug for my truck?
  10. Everyone on this planet has a woman in their immediate family that has aborted a child, whether by choice or becasue their body rejected the fetus.
  11. I can think of a few mothers who should have had an abortion.
  12. Depending on the situation, you can get the house for under $160K. Don't hesitate to call and talk to everyone you can find involved with the title of the property. If you get the right person, you can work out an awesome deal. Otherwise, you are just putting yourself out there to be taken advantage of. You can deal with the broker, the agent, a lawyer, and banker, CR, your friends, or yourself. I wouldn't rely on anyone's advice, including mine, and start making calls until you find the one person who is willing to give you the deal you want. If they don't want to work with you, hang up and call someone else. Any business is about working with people. You just have to get a hold of the right one to give you what you want. If this deal isn't as sweet as you want, wait, there will be many more.
  13. Nobody wanted to sign that bill. Now, they have to make it look like it was the "other" sides fault.
  14. Why don't you work for yourself? If you like tinkering with cars, you could buy them wholesale and sell them retail. There are plenty of auctions around Ohio and a dealership license is nothing but paperwork.
  15. Sounds like your the one who has their panties in a wad. I personally don't think the market dropping is a big deal, you do. Get used to it, it happens. Apparently, you agree that this is a good time to make $$$, hence your comment about how much you made. I hope it keeps dropping. I'm sure your dad and grandpa do know more than me.
  16. ummmmm... There have been other large losses that you aren't aware of, obviously, in the recent past. Did your grandfather call you up to mention them? It may be history for you, it's an opportunity to make cash to me.
  17. Stay inside...the sky's falling!
  18. There's nothing special about today's loss. http://www.thebullandbear.com/articles/2000/0400-dowlosses.html
  19. Big guys fall and it makes room for the little guys to come up. On the way up, the market will have fresh meat to invest in and the market will recover. ECON 101. The politicians are pulling yalls strings to give you the impression something is actually happening in DC. HIST 101. Got edjumacation?
  20. Costco has one for sale. http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11275876&whse=BC&Ne=4010045+4000000&N=4010045&Mo=27&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Sp=C&topnav=&mc=114 http://content.costco.com/Images/Content/Product/285525.jpg $960
  21. Ah geez...another racer on CR. What's the world coming to?
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