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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Were you trying to make a point? You know somebody who knows somebody and that makes you know something? Just becasue your comfortable being a loser doesn't mean the rest of us are.
  2. Did you even read my fucking posts?
  3. @Tim - Well said. @LJ - Well, said.
  4. OH WOW! You must be so fucking great, they wouldn't let you into the NFL, huh? It wouldn't be fair to take someone with your talent and put them in a league with professionals. A district title - woofuckinghoo... Is that your greatest accomplishment in your 23 years. I'd love to see a list of 100 of these 1000's of games I blocked that you must be aware of since you know that I've blocked them. Please enlighten me. I guess your point is that OSU has a chance. I agree with that. Anything can happen. But in order for them to win, USC has to fuck up and I don't see that happening. I could be wrong - wouldn't be first or the last time for me.
  5. I played OLB and DE in high school. I started my senior year and have my letter hanging on the wall in my office right now. I know that a team's morale follows it's leadership. Leader fails = team fails. OSU "can't" win while they have a whiny fool for its leader. They have the tools, but not the leadership.
  6. No, nor your redirection. You said I had no credibility. What standard are you using to base my comments? I'd like to know that. As I see it, until you respond otherwise, you like OSU because you live here and you're "supposed" to. In reality, you probably could care less, but it's more fun to be a bandwagon somefuckingwhere. I can see an alumni or student having pride. I even understand the community having pride. Why do you take pride? I have tried to explain my stance on the team and the upcoming game. Team = greatness Coach = FAIL USC = not FAIL OSU beating USC = FAIL Then, I tried to explain that I think Tressel has no balls and OSU would be a better team winning the "big" games if he wasn't their coach. Now, I've only been here a couple of years and only been in the horseshoe a few times - but when I did go, I watched the emotions the team and coach went through. I see the team fade when Tressel starts acting like a little bitch. Therefore, IMHO, the team would be better off without him.
  7. Who won? I made a prediction. I have no loyalty to a team because my parents decided to create a sperm milkshake in one fucking city versus the other. I was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL...joined the Army and moved all over the country...got out and married back in to find myself overseas and then here in Columbus (where my wife is attending OSU). According to your standards, who the fuck should I cheer for? Did you even attend OSU?
  8. ...and realist know OSU can't win.
  9. I'm "that" guy becasue I like a team but not their leadership?
  10. I think OSU has some outstanding talent on the team. I don't think they are managed correctly and that costs them the "big" wins. The team is as good as the greats out there but it's shit like "mind games" that I think Tressel really does do that is foolish and disappointing. I personally don't think he's as good as everyone thinks. I think when you have an outstanding team that can almost carry itself and you put a half ass coach in there, it makes him look better. That's just how I see it. Get rid of Tressel and the team will shine, like it should be!
  11. Why? Beenie being a "secret" won't help them anyways. Doesn't it seem kinda childish to play head games against an opponent you're gonna lose to? It'd be like you telling everyone that your hands is sore and it may not be healed by the time you step in the ring with Mike Tyson. It won't matter.
  12. It doesn't matter if he plays or not.
  13. That's becasue you have an ear infucktion and need some petercilin. That won't help your yuk mouth though, so I suggest dicktene.
  14. People that have thoughts of touching boys in ANY context are fucking disturbed and should come out of the closet.
  15. rch10007

    Palin fans

    What's really hilarious is that you must think 9/11 wasn't planned until Bush came into office and that he should have known and started developing armor to withstand IED's. And since that's so funny, maybe you think that the kid who had his head cut off on the Internet was funny. It took the guy over 30 seconds of cutting back and forth on the kids neck before he finally stopped fighting, even though his hands were tied behind his back. Go find the video, watch it, and then tell me if you think Bill Clinton didn't fail on his watch. I think it's hilarious that you have Science and Abuse as your name.
  16. rch10007

    Palin fans

    Thanks to Clinton's increased taxes, decreased military spending, and a blind eye to the rest of the world, many troops have died in Iraq because they were/are fighting with equipment that is substandard. I was in Desert Storm 1 under the first asshat, I mean Bush... He blew the military's budget pushing Saddam out of Kuwait. Then he got the boot and Clinton left our equipment to rot. Clinton never increased the military budget which is why Bush 2 has given out so many pay increases to the troops since he's been in office - to bring them up to where they should have been in the first place AND develop equipment to protect our guys. Clinton had a balanced budget...sure. But he got it by increasing taxes, cutting military spending, and shifting numbers around social security. How was he worth it?
  17. Part 1. What makes you think our universe is the only one? We used to think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around us. I think that in the next 5000 years, we, as a human race, will still not be able to figure out what's out there. We can't even see the middle of our galaxy...and somehow we think we can comprehend the outside edges of the universe. If there are "edges" of the universe, what's on the other side of the edges? It's foolish to try and comprehend things we aren't capable of. Part 2. There is no universal agreement of what or who God is, so this part cannot be answer. Part 3. No.
  18. Add 3500 Lbs to your car and I'll blow your doors off.
  19. I'm not an authority on spraying but Nitrous adds the extra "air" you are looking for. There are tons of boosted cars that also use Nitrous.
  20. Thorne looks like he's ready to go postal...
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