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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Congress voted to go to war, the President suggested it.
  2. A Realtor doesn't loan you the money for a home (the mortgage). They want to get the most money out of you to increase their profit margin. There are seller's agents and buyer's agents. The seller works for the current home owner and wants to get the most money for the owner. The buyer's agent works for you, the one searching for a home. They help you find what you want and they try to get the lowest price. Most realtors want about 6% of the sale. If you have an agent working for you, they will usually negotiate to get half of that 6%. Either way, once a home owner or perspective buyer gets involved with a Real Estate agent, they are going to pay for it. The process of buying a home is no different than buying a car. You can finance it (mortgage = fancy name for a loan) or buy it with cash. Either way, you'll receive title for the home. The lender (usually a bank) will have a "defualt" clause in the mortgage contract just like the one for a car. You don't pay, your stuff gets repo'd! Going through a Real Estate agency is the same as buying a car from a used car dealer. You could find a home where someone is willing to go through the process of selling by themselves (For Sale BY Owner) just like you can buy a car. Give a guy cash, he hands you the title, you go the BMV and get a new title, new tags, and now you are the owner. You don't need an agent is my point here. You just need to do some more research and LEARN the process of obtaining a mortgage. First, find a lender (your bank) and get a pre-approval for a certain amount including the terms of what the loan will entail. Such as, you are pre-approved for $100K @ 7.5% fixed for 30 years at $500 per month. You may or may not have to open an escrow account to pay for insurance. I vote to find a lender without requiring an escrow OR at least tell your bank you ain't going for that. You will learn the most while going through the pre-approval process. DO THIS before anything else! Go to the bank, sign in, sit in the waiting area and then talk to a loan officer about buying a home. If you go in around lunch time, you can offer to take him to lunch while he tells you everything you need to know. Second, find a home WITHIN the amount you can afford - you'll figure this out in step 1. You'll fill out some paperwork showing what you make vs. what you owe (credit cards, loans, etc.) BE HONEST here! You'll only hurt yourself for not being honest about what you can afford. Third, negotiate a price for a home with the owner. Knock on the front door and talk to them. If they want you to go through an agent, look elsewhere, they are idiots! If you can come to some agreement, PUT IT IN WRITING. The process is simple: 1. Get approved for a loan. 2. Find a home. 3. Make offer(s). 4. Closing = doing all the legal paperwork to change ownership of the property. 5. Paint and move in. Buying a home is NOT difficult. Agents want to make it sound hard so you'll use them. You don't need them! Go make friends with the loan officer at you local bank. He will teach you everything you need to do since all of our situations are different.
  3. President = Executive (Executes laws made by Congress.) Congress = Legislature (Lawmakers - the ones who are supposed to establish law for the common good and security of the nation) McCain, Biden and Nobama = CONGRESSMEN!!! The Congressional majority for the past 4 years have been Democrats. Biden and Nobama are members of the majority party in the lawmaking branch of our gooberment. If they can't get anything done in Congress within their own majority party, how the fuck are they going to get anything done as Executives of our country? Is Bush at fault? Is he responsible for the actions of the men and women we have chosen through state elections to be our representatives in DC? Is he? How the fuck can he be responsible for us as a nation when half of this nation doesn't vote? I'm not a fan of all the decisions Bush has made. I'm not a fan of the job our representatives in DC are doing. If anyone is at fault, it's Congress. They are the jokers who are fucking us, no the President but it's easier to point the finger at one man who you can see than the ones who are really responsible. Most guys here know who the President is...do you know who your Senators are? What about the House Representatives? Has anyone ever wrote them any letters? That's who you report your grievances to! Not the President! Congress represents YOU. Have you ever told them you are disappointed?
  4. rch10007

    new to cr

    Gay people don't bother me. http://a473.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/81/l_cb4ecb58e2cea11982c719a3ce6dee60.jpg
  5. I'm going to go as a spectator for now. I wouldn't mind seeing what the F150 will do, but I think it would be a waste of time with a 100mph limiter in the ECU.
  6. Just got home. Great to meet you guys! F-Body Racing FTW!
  7. +1. That's where I got my SCUBA tanks done. The guy who inspects the tanks really knows his shit.
  8. That's amazing! The reload was so smooth, I didn't realize what happened and had to replay it like 3 times!
  9. If OSU doesn't take advantage of the gift the just received (punt fumble by Ohio recovered by OSU before it went out of bounds), they are going down!
  10. I should give you -rep for this post... Go GATORS!
  11. Do I have to wash my truck before I get there?
  12. Nice rides. I own Ford's now, but I grew up a Mopar fan. Challenger's will always have a special place in my heart. Good luck with the build and welcome to CR!
  13. You were cited for having a party. If you DO NOT fight the citation, a judge will sign the ticket. If you DO fight, the officer has to show evidence to support his reason for the citation. You have 2 choices. Do nothing and pay = you suck. Go to court to be heard = tell your side and have charges dropped = you still suck (becasue you're you!) IF you go to court - DO NOT TELL THE JUDGE you were selling hot dogs. That has NOTHING to do with the citation. It was for a party for which you didn't have. I'm sure you can get your neighbors on both sides and across the street to sign an affidavit to declare you WERE NOT involved in the activities of the citation. Just for the record - ALWAYS FIGHT any ticket you ever get in life...ALWAYS! If you don't, guilty or not, the system just got free $$$. At least make them work for it by finishing the process of justice. Don't give up, loser.
  14. Now, you have room for a Viper V10!!!
  15. I hope to find out what this truck has soon... How does your truck handle 60' with the 3.73?
  16. Not yet! To be honest, this truck has a speed limiter on it - 100mph!!! I'd like to go run it down a track, but I imagine I would hit the limiter before I hit the end of the track. I'd still take it, just for the hell of it! It also has an open 3.55. This truck shreds tires (one at a time, lol). I'm looking into getting a ls or locker for the rear. Being a Roush, this truck is nice but it could be so much better. I'm only running about 3-5lbs and I've read the stock motor can hold 8-11lbs without any drivability issues. This is my first supercharged vehicle and it's my DD. I've got lots to learn but I can't get too crazy becasue my mpg's suck enough! I imagine this is a 13sec truck. Not too shabby for a whale!
  17. rch10007

    Palin fans

    I don't think McCain is a big supporter of the Republican ticket either!
  18. I know where she can get one soooo much cheaper!
  19. rch10007

    Palin fans

    Good! I hope she fires most of Washington, DC when she gets there. At least she has the balls to do it!
  20. Did you speak with her? Did she tell you it was an important event? Are you assuming? Many woman I know that have had a few kids say it's NOT as big a deal as the first one or two. Some woman schedule child birth and show up to an operation. Maybe your values and morality are what's not important to them.
  21. http://a676.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/55/l_8f952c8120ae5be25418394e7e4b730b.jpg http://a534.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/20/l_570719e04536114d7842733ed95f1625.jpg http://a208.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/38/l_962e12bd80b34908d0162abbe7a41e6f.jpg http://a157.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/116/l_91e58143080208a3f57fa794472c0424.jpg
  22. I've been posting quite a bit on here lately and as I was searching through all the announcements, I realized I've never posted an intro with pics. I posted one a long time ago when I met Ben (Satan). I met him when I checked out his Katana for sale. A friend who lived in Toledo was interested in the bike but didn't want to waste time coming down if it wasn't worth it, so I looked it over. It was and he bought it! At that time, I owned a 2001 Suzuki Bandit 1200S. I've been a long time member of another forum dedicated to the Bandit and DR's. I don't usually post as much as I read. I figure I should check out the place before contributing since every forum has it's own rules. Anyways, the friend I helped was one from that other forum. I think it's great to find a place on the Net where a group can share a common interest and it's even better when that site is local! That brings me to why I've been posting a bit more. First, I own a small trucking company here in Hilliard. It's just me and my truck + a couple other guys I work for as a transportation agent. I'd like to get my broker's authority soon so I can step down out of the truck. Since I haven't been running the truck as much, I've had more time to spend online, hence the increase of posts. Second, I have recently purchased a 2006 Roush F150 4X4. It's a badass truck and I would like to take this thing to a track and find a decent group of guys, and gals, who like to race and that I can learn from. So far, I've been pretty impressed with the posting going on around here. Many of you are levelheaded and can speak about a topic without flaming. Some of you are asshats. In reality, we all asshats at some point to someone - but some more than others! So, my name is Robbie. I live in Hilliard until next summer. My wife is active duty Army and we will be relocating to San Antonio next year. Until then, I'd like to enjoy this truck on some of the local tracks. I plan to be at Advance Auto Parts tomorrow night to met some of you guys and pick your brains about racing. Without further ado... http://a960.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/41/l_f827ec9aa19c6d3cad1ad2e1c214ca5f.jpg http://a361.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/28/l_6874605284beb4b80e9188b098b836b8.jpg http://a151.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/76/l_b137f14656bbb6268be31780f66671fe.jpg http://a786.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/46/l_4c01b0db941c069dcbf34aa61204b869.jpg
  23. Fuck that! I don't know where your lips have been. I don't share my pipe with just anyone.
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