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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Are you going to Advanced on Sat. night? Can you bring it if you are?
  2. It's already a done deal according to the radio station I was listening to in the car on the way home...the announcers were talking about calling him Ocho now and that they thought it was cool to be on the bandwagon. "They" said his name will be on his jersey and the coaches have already agreed to call him Ocho.
  3. I wonder if she would open up and let me stick my tool in, being a toolbag and all...
  4. I wish one of you fuckers would find some Sara porn already!!!
  5. Ahhhhhhhh...the Redcoats are coming! Run Forrest run!
  6. They could be...kinda hard to say from here.
  7. I hope you're just fucking with me...
  8. Uh yeah...I started to say it sounded like a lean condition and that would certainly create a lean condition!
  9. Could be a few things...you could check the throttle cables to see if they are sticking. It could be a vacuum leak...with it running, spray WD40 over the intake boots and other hoses to see if the idle decreases. If you have to break into the carbs - find out all the stock settings first...like jet sizes, float height, etc... Then once you tear it apart, you can tell if anything has been done (ie jet kit)... Have you taken apart carbs before?
  10. Sorry, I call them lady fingers: http://s7.sears.com/is/image/Sears/00997829000?hei=250&wid=250&op_sharpen=1&qlt=90,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0 I guess I can't help much although i'm looking around the net for answers on pulling the shaft...
  11. Can you just grab it and slide it back away from the tranny? Do you have a lady finger?
  12. 1 billion out of 7+ trillion.... drop in the bucket.
  13. All I heard was, "He did this...he did that..." So, he didn't vote on a bill!!! What the fuck was in the bill? It probably had millions going to build a fucking thumbtack historical museum. Ever heard of a pork barrel? The reason we can't get shit done and bills approved is becasue you don't have one bill for one item. They cram it full of stupid shit that nobody wants and then the "other" side screams foul when it doesn't pass. Dems: We tried to pass 13 bills on insurance reform and the Pubs stopped them. Pubs: We tried to pass 13 bills on military spending and the Dems stopped them. Dems: Yeah, well your bills also had shit in it about opening ANWR. Pubs: Yeah, well yours had shit in them about raising taxes to support AIDS research in Africa. Dems: Fuck it, we aren't going to support shit and you can't fire me. Pubs: We can't be fired either, so fuck you too. (Intermission) Pubs: Wanna go play golf on the taxpayers dollar. Dems: Yeah, I wanna try out these new clubs I got from some insurance lobbyist.
  14. Eat mor chikin and we won't bus a cap in yo ass!
  15. This is like watching sucka free TV...
  16. Regardless of the numbers this woman posted...you can't please everyone. I won't even go into the deficit comment because if you don't know Economics 101, you wouldn't understand the different types of budgets to run. Budgeting for surplus limits expenditures and growth while budgeting for deficit leaves you wide open to spend as much as you can borrow. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either - if you understand what the fuck they are. Most librarians I know are bitches anyway, so no sympathy here. Sports Complex - keeps the kids form getting too fat and puts people to work - what's the problem? Taxes went up? Whao...over 6 years... Did the income rates increase? What was inflation? There are too many fucking variables to even discuss this here. Now, if she said, 80% of the town was on welfare AND taxes were going up, would that make sense to you? You can't bitch about taxes without understanding why it's in place and what the contributing factors of the economy are. She didn't say anything about the rest of the town's economy so fuck her. If I was mayor, I would hire a grunt too. Kinda like working for a shop. Yeah, you do all the work and get a paycheck, but the owner is the one at the golf course. Cry more.
  17. Looks like I won't be lonely in Hell.
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