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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. We SHOULD??? What country do you live in? There are rules and laws in the US and a process by which we do things. What about dealings with the rest of the world? Do we all take off work for a week and fly over to Russia to ask, "Why the hell did you invade..." Are you going to head over to Iraq by yourself to take on the terrorists? Fuck it. I'm not even going to entertain this juvenile bullshit and immature view of the world we live in. We the people do make choices. When you go vote, you are making a choice. If you don't vote, you are making a choice. I am making the choice to answer such a fucking idiotic statement. I would expect a bit more from a 35 yo. Nevermind...
  2. Posting a chart about Sarah's vaginal muscles makes you a dick wrinkle.
  3. Are you one of those people who do nothing if they can't have things their way? Who would you vote for right NOW... C'mon, regardless of whether they are a politician or not. Who would you choose? It can be anyone in the whole world. Why are you choosing this person and do you think they would speak for the majority of America's citizens? Who is your choice?
  4. As long as you don't mind me bringing my cattle prod.
  5. Will I ever be a millionaire? I figured you know, being a mind reader and all... Ah, hell, you probably knew I was going to posts this.
  6. I wonder if he could remove the speed limiter on my Roush? I heard the PCM can't be tuned...
  7. ROFL!!! I just spit coffee on my laptop! :asshole:
  8. Happy Birthday! ...you old bastard!
  9. Maybe with all the "change" the politicians are promising, this kind of thing won't happen. LOL! Too bad Granny wasn't packing!
  10. If you start handing out masturbation privileges, you'd be cool too!
  11. Either you haven't heard of the 3 branches of government or you forgot they exist. IF the latter, I understand. And that's becasue America doesn't win with any sort of politics. America will win when I can sit here at my computer and vote on bills myself. I don't need a representative in Congress. You did way back in the day. A farmer needed someone willing to travel to DC and represent his interests and those of his neighbors. We don't need this type of gooberment anymore. I respect that McCain actually spoke about this last night and understands what type of "change" is necessary. Government and the way our country is run needs to come up to the 21st century. NObama uses the term "change" to pull the heartstrings of those poor confused ignorant fucks we call neighbors nowadays. Yes, I am saying that if you like NObama, you are worthless and should be removed from the gene pool. We only have 2 legitimate choice this fall. Some asslick using emotional fervor to confuse the sheep and disregard the true change necessary or some old bastard who will probably have heart attack the first time the VP bends over to pick up his depends. Either way...it's the only choices we have and added another person or party will really fuck everything up. We can't seem to make 2 representative parties work for us, how the fuck do we make 3?
  12. HAHAHHAHAH!!! He said window licker. Sombody call the short bus to come pick up a stray. ...BTW, if an MBA isn't making at least $60K a year, it's because he's a window licker too.
  13. http://www.instantrimshot.com/
  14. McCain isn't doing as good as Sara did last night... And she did real good last night, in fact, I'm having her over again.
  15. I'm waiting for http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3
  16. If you want to put them in a bucket - you don't have to fill it... just dip them in oil and then put them in there together. Put a lid on it and call it a day. It doesn't have to be full. They just need a coat of oil.
  17. Call the title agency and ask them.
  18. I wash all my tools and tool box with WD40. The only rust on my toolbox is where I've dented it or put deep scratches in it, but even then, it's only minor. Never tried PB... Thinking about this, I have a funny story about loooooonnnnngggg term tool storage. Out in NM at the family ranch, we went to an estate auction. While there, I bought a gooseneck flatbed. There was a toolbox on the front and when i got it home, I opened it to clean it out and ready the trailer for paint. I found 4 five gallon buckets inside. I was thinking, WTF? I tried to pick them up and thought, WTF is in there. I got them out and was pouring the first bucket into a 55 gallon oil drum, when...SPLOOSH...I got fucking oil all over me. Well, you've probably figured it out by now, so yes, they were full of handtools! After a quick run through the parts washer, they came out spotless. Apparently, the old man put them in there on purpose to preserve them. I talked to his grandson later and he also found some other tools the same way. We still aren't sure when he put them in there or why, but it worked! Anyways, I'd suggest heavy doses of WD40 or possibly dipping them into oil and then placing them in bucket for easy storage somewhere.
  19. I'm in hell because I've kissed girls.
  20. Did you download all the workouts separately or did you get them all in one file? Anyone want to get rid of their DVD's or make copies? I'll buy a 12 pack to drink while the DVD's are copying.
  21. Just because his dog has a bigger sack than you is no reason to get pissed at him.
  22. I understand. GL to you.
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