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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. For a second I forgot you rebuilding this for you son and thought you were going to be riding this...


    Cool little moped, I like the blanket too. I'd get it stitched onto the seat so that was the new appearance.

  2. Sorry, that was me.

    I was running late for my haircut.


    On a real note, I've had sort of the same situation. I was one lane from the fast lane and I was getting ready to pass the person in front of me. I check my mirror, check my blind spot then get ready to get over. Look again and next thing you know I have a Vette, BMW and a GTO fly past me on 670.


    I don't know why I didn't get over, just checked that one more time or it would have been a bad situation.


    I've opened my bike up on country roads w/ zero cars around, but on the freeway in traffic, that's just dumb.

  3. I kind of am planning on leaving that up to everyone else. I don't care where we go, just something new to me and I have no idea where to start.


    I don't even have 1000 miles under my belt, just want that kept in mind.

  4. Anyone want to go for a ride on Sunday. I just need to be back home by 4.


    I'm sure I have one of my buddies on his cruiser that would like to go.


    I just want to see some new roads too. Let me know and maybe we can set up a ride.

  5. Wish I had a toy for off road.


    And I need to have you look at my car. Damn thieves busted it up pretty bad. I need new ideas on fixing or getting another ride and doing something. I don't know what to do.

  6. Umm, it wasn't theft proof as it sat and my car got totaled from them breaking into it, not including what was stolen.

    Don't see the difference other than maybe I still would have my speakers which I could sell to help get my car fixed.


    Now I'm out speakers and the damage.


    I'm not the only person in my neighborhood to have their car broken into. People have had smashed out rear windows, garages broken into, all sorts of stupid shit.

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