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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. thats nuts that you can take the test on a scooter lol


    im taking mine friday on shawn's busa


    You will fail.


    I've been thinking of finding something to borrow for my test, which I still need to schedule.

    I've heard it's not to bad on the sv650's.


    Is it really THAT hard.

  2. Thanks. Talking to someone tomorrow to see if they don't have anything from their huge arsenal they are willing to sell me.


    Any other places to buy used guns that you know about if he doesn't have anything?

  3. Been thinking about getting something for the house. There have been a string of break ins/ attempts in my neighborhood and I'm looking for a get the fuck away from my house protection.


    I know I can't own a hand gun so I'd be looking for something cheap that wouldn't throw me on my ass.


    Shotgun recommendations and prices that associate with them? Something easy to maintain.


    I may only fire this a few times, just up at a shooting range and it may sit around the house forever after that.

  4. Me and a buddy were thinking of heading out to Mt. Vernon or somewhere tomorrow for a fun ride.


    Any route suggestions/ other suggestions for a fun trip?


    I've been riding only 2 weeks and just passed 1k miles so keep that in mind.

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