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Everything posted by kirks5oh

  1. I file a tax return and owe high 5 figures even after having 40% of my money already skimmed off. Don't cry to me. I'm assuming you're in your 20's. you didn't file tax returns for at least 50% of your life because you were likely under 15 years old for 50% of your life.
  2. I went to vote in my tiny town in Wisconsin. My 7 year old boy went with me. 2 of the people working the poll were patients of mine. They were thrilled to see me make it there to vote after 12 hours of hard work today, getting dinner for my kids, packing lunches, laying out clothes, planning for tomorrow's surgeries, and taking my girls to dance. I was voter #1440. I let my boy circle trump, as well as a few other key republican candidates. I can't tell you how excited he was to officially vote. Imagine how geeked out he will be in the morning Knowing he had a say in the future of this country!! This is a huge win for hard working men and women in this country. It's good for small businesses. It will be a huge win for me seeing as how trump has vowed to repeal Obamacare and seemingly won't steal more tax money from me. The American dream is still alive. My condolences to all the free loaders.
  3. proof that you at least know as much as my 9 year old girls :dumb: do you ever just wake up in the middle of the night and you're rambling on, talking to no one in particular---like a reflex, of sorts??
  4. "That was a well thought out response, I completely agree with you" ---said no lawyer ever.
  5. You need to try an injection first. And get a second opinion. See my brother's partner Derek snook. One of the better spine surgeons in Columbus. I guarantee you're not going to be happy with a fusion, especially with the situation being work comp. work comp patients are never happy
  6. I went to school with Gregg figg. He's a neurologist in Westerville. Super smart guy who is down to earth and normal. He was actually a drummer in a heavy metal band while in med school. He's who I would recommend
  7. What were her neck surgeries?? Those usually treat the arthritis. Did she have neck fusions? Is she only having neck pain, or does she have numbness radiating down her arm(s)?
  8. Lsu was totally overrated. Honestly I feel like penn state, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan, and osu would have all dominated lsu. Maybe even northwestern and a motivated Indiana. Their offense is as one-dimensional as any other I have seen, and fournette is not the back he was last year. The sec is garbage this year. Literally only one team deserves to be in the top 15
  9. I love it when you cry like a dancing fairy. Impossible for you to say "shit, osu looked dominant last night"?? I have no problem saying overall, bama is a better team than osu, and with both teams playing their best games, we'd lose, maybe badly. But had osu played Bama last night, we would have curb stomped them. Think about that for a second and don't dance around the topic.
  10. In other news, lsu to be ranked 4th this week
  11. And don't give me that bullshit about how my $100 is less important than someone in a lower tax bracket. Fuck that. I work just as hard for that $100. By your bullshit argument I should pay more when I go to mcdonalds too?? Taxes pay for a service. I don't think I should pay more than anyone else, let alone a higher percentage for a higher tax bracket. The govt needs to set a poverty line, above which, you pay a flat rate
  12. i don't have income that can be sheltered, hidden, or written off I already donate a fair amount of money
  13. The country needs a flat tax rate. Period. Everyone pays into the pot. Guy who makes $10k per year pays $1000 into the pot Make $100k?? You pay $10k Make $1M? You pay $100k. Why am I paying almost 40% taxes??
  14. This group you're referring to. Are they on govt assistance? That will answer your question. The new voting system would include college students who haven't entered the workforce, retirees, and stay at home moms (but not stay at home dads--lulz), and selected other groups. If it sounds like a difficult system to set up, I agree. Remember, we've landed men on the moon, it's doable. Think about the first man to land on the moon and realize his vote is equal to the crackwhore who steals your phone to buy drugs.
  15. So what you're saying is that over 1/3 of the population depends on government assistance to survive, and doesn't pay a red cent into running this country?? And you think they should have a say in how things are done? I'm not saying get rid of government assistance. There are those who need it to survive. I just don't agree with them having a vote in how things are done, and yes, I'm 1000% serious. The truth is, people are not equal. Some are dumb as fuck. Some are lazy. Some continually make horrible decisions. Some are just plain unlucky, if you believe in that. some people were born with disabilities, some developed them during life, and some scam the system to be disabled. The laws of nature and Darwinism would weed these unfit organisms out of the breeeding pool. But we as humans are compassionate, and somewhat obligated to support this group. Unfortunately, through a series of circumstances which I can't explain, this group has flourished, and constitutes 1/3 of our population. You don't see a fucking problem with this???? I see people all day everyday which make up this group. Taking away voting privileges, and other incentives could go a long way to motivating this group. Sure, it might not be completely fair. But life isn't fair either, and then you die.
  16. Is it wrong to not allow people to vote who don't pay into the system? In other words, if you rely on government directly for assistance to survive, and don't contribute monetarily to the (up to this point, piss poor) running of this country, you should have no say in how it's run, and who is elected. The sheer number of people who rely directly on handouts and assistance in order to survive is staggering. Is it really in our best interest to have them vote? We need to disincentivize those who choose government aid over getting off their fucking asses and working to survive. Maybe taking away voting priveledges would be a start. Crooked bullshit politicians have ruined a country that the greatest generation to ever live bled for during ww2. It's a disgrace.
  17. Did you make up a celebration Dance?
  18. Meh. Win out, and still doesn't matter.
  19. I think we should do some 80-200mph rolls, or 80 to whenever you stop accelerating rolls :lolguy::lolguy:
  20. Aren't you the knob that said the same thing a couple years ago right before osu took bama to the shed?
  21. I store my kids bikes on hooks from the ceiling. My road bike stays in my closet.
  22. I'm worried. My ex is going to the game. They ALWAYS lose when she goes to games. Va tech, Wisconsin in 2010, Texas, among others. I've endured a week of shit talking from neighbors, friends, and colleagues here. It's time to let the buckeyes do the talking.
  23. Nice pickup. Let me know if you want a cheap set of 3k miles wheel/blizzak combo for that truck. My brother lives in Columbus and used the wheels and tires for one winter on his srt8 Cherokee
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