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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. just got back and tracked 2.3mile start. really out of shape and this told me so. So as far as calories (i understand not eating so much, this being the principle behind the weight watchers + portion size); but what is a minimal calorie i should burn a day typically? I know my height and weight is different and will be diff for someone else but is there a standard i should shoot for? I am 6' 2" and current weight 235lbs.
  2. Thank you guys for the tips and help. i will try that app as well seems its kinda like the weight watchers plan. My biggest issue sis trying to stay on track. Work put me on second shift so i can dedicate an hour to the bike before work. i also plan on doing more then just cardio but i really just want to focus on the diet and routine at the moment. the future goal is to add in the P90x 90 day challenge but i really want to make sure i stay with this routine before adding to much. and i picked this up today and when the rain passes i will be out on it. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/539289_10150695449054015_784864014_9288740_558203121_n.jpg Depending on mud conditions i will be running this through high banks park tomorrow as well.
  3. really been wanting to get back in shape. have a few questions see if anyone could assist. From trips to the gym the machines have calories burned and i have always kept track between machines. is there a target amount i should shoot for, is there a dangerous amount i should avoid? what helps you guys stay on track, how do you keep your routine consistent? want to lose 50 pounds. I just feel that i have no energy, tired all the time. My Goals
  4. LOL just read that thread. looked at my facebook and seen the same pics. the damn kid lives in newark. better hurry Doc
  5. just noticed the distributor in the middle of the plate. how come no coil on plug?
  6. I vote for Patterson to get his ass back in the game. You have tons of free time now anyways :lolguy:
  7. I see what you did here :gabe: (DSM)
  8. Thanks man, i still need to get it finished need more clouds etc. that was 1 3h session. and its funny cause have my employers never see it in an interview. my current job i have been at for 5 months and people are just now seeing it. the boss that hired me didnt realize it until 2 weeks in.
  9. My Grandparents passed away years ago and i wanted a guardian angel. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/15862_170991229014_784864014_2735217_2751849_n.jpg Tattoo was done by my cousin Chuck "Gorilla" Gillum. he has been at multiple shops around columbus for many years.
  10. i found that about 4 months ago when i was looking into genesis coupes. Evo Scan is working on it heavily from what other sources tell me. but i cant guarantee the launch. All i can tell you most obd-2 tuning is all based off the same editor. people have been adapting their own interfaces and selling them to consumers.
  11. so hillard police will be broke down half the time with high pressure pump failures and outstanding oil leaks!!! :gabe:
  12. ^ This + tuning time!!!! :fuckyeah:
  13. quoted this for truth! good old Inertia DynoJet is doing you just fine!
  14. http://menversus.com/images/content/NFQJKALwzGsuccessfulblackguymemebannedhollywood06620x620.jpg
  15. seen your post about hyundai tuning. FYI they are going to be opensourced with ECUflash and Evo scan this spring. meaning same tuning as Evo and Suby guys on the stock ecu and free software.



  16. Will make sure that day is open :fuckyeah:
  17. Will make sure that day is open :fuckyeah:
  18. Lol he is probably right since you can get another engine for $150 at pick n pull :gabe:
  19. Ef8sirJunkie


    Really Patterson :gabe:
  20. No its a sign company they do banner, landscape signs, and wrapping cars. they are next to the Huntley bowl park! i was walking my dogg there and seen them wrapping some fiberglass dirt track car.
  21. Westcamp does this??? did not know that! there is a place off huntly blvd but i cant remember the name i seen them wrapping a few cars.
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