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Everything posted by Ef8sirJunkie

  1. Yea we put it together last night to find out 4 of his block bolts are fucked. He now has to helicoil them. As far as the dsm Honda used a resistor box 91 and older. You can use a resistor box and saturated injectors but for better quality people remove them. So if you wanted to buy some you could drop them in and tune for them.
  2. Low impedance is peak and hold (requires resistor box). High impedance is saturated. Honda past 92 came with saturated and most common injector for a honda is 290cc D,B,F,H. S2k, K, and some H series engines have sizes in 300cc range.
  3. This is only if you have Peak and Hold injectors. Most of these new Bosch Saturated injectors idle like a dream at 2,000cc's. T1 Racing Development does all testing for Injector Dynamics and they put a set of 2,000cc's in a stock non vtec integra at idle it sat at 1 injector ms with no hick ups. I also agree with Scott i would like to see the end result before you compare to a Evans car!
  4. thought you said you had 1,200cc injectors? Didnt you just post on Ohio Hondas looking for injectors?
  5. you will hate the 4cyl and they have alot of issues. seems to have a lot of starter issues as well in which involves a long process of tearing out half the top end to get to it. you will be much happier with a inline 6.
  6. this thing isnt all that, witnessed it getting walked out by a prius! :fuuuu:
  7. first time i went out. good time. that marathon was BS good thing i was going south seems like everyone going north got stuck waiting for an hour. :fuuuu:
  8. Dude your ass must be sore, that shop raped you to do a head gasket.
  9. best way to bleed your coolant syatem is to buy the coolant bucket system like this http://ww2.justanswer.com/uploads/FixUrNissan/2009-12-22_203437_fill_rad.jpg I would do leak down test. and replace with dual core radiator. the tune could effect the over heating issue.
  10. the bad is the transmission but they had recalls to fix 2nd and 3rd gear. other than that really no issues. i have driven plenty in the snow and stock tires where fine. buddy put hondata flashpro in his and makes a world of difference with getting rid of the rev hang etc.
  11. Main relay fails when hot. Solder joints crack when hot causing the issue. I have never herd or seen 1 work after shutting the door in 5 years of being a Honda mechanic. Take out your relay and resolder it. Never had 1 fail after resoldering. Then start diagnosing. Can you smell fuel after cranking?
  12. Hey guys im working 8-5 mon-fri currently im looking for something that might be flexible with shifts for school. I can work any shift and any day. Ideal would be able to work a first or second during quarters. anything involving electronics would be a plus as im going for electronic engineering. I am stable in my job but really want to get my schooling done in a faster rate. this must be full time. :fuuuu:
  13. See you Saturday! I should have a present for you as well
  14. Looked at this tonight and the bay looks good, Nice work Cody :thumbup:
  15. that was the first lude. he bought a second 1 from florida as a shell and swapped everything over. By the way Cody whats going on queer!
  16. Doesnt matter price Bone is the man period and have 0 problems.
  17. Will be sending a resume as soon as I get home. Looks to be a great opportunity that is the same path as I'm going to school for currently!
  18. might be a no from me was thinking it was a weekend event but i see you have the dates listed may 16th-29th. sorry Brian. if it is a weekend event i can take a friday off and maybe the following monday.
  19. I can most likely if you want my help just let me know when.
  20. im pretty sure your talking about the vent valve as this is what happens, it causes the snot look in the oil (should clean the valve cover as well) and will cause excessive smoking. http://www.trademotion.com/sfimages/214336/partImages/4462/SFPLImage109032.jpg
  21. Sounds to me like it needs a vent valve. They go bad all the time and are under the intake manifold. If you let it go to long your motor will lock up. It has 3 tubes 1 you can see in the front connected to the valve cover.
  22. i work with a guy running the Shark puck on his E36 he swears by it. its just a flash from my understanding no end user adjustments. i believe they give you 4 settings to upload. just sucks the obd2 isnt user friendly at the moment.
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