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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. Drivng a first gen mini back and forth would suck to no end lol. I didnt even like driving my 09 to SC and back. I dont even like driving our R60 as far as Nashville. Seats and ride are just too harsh for a highway commuter. Round trip flights are $209..... You will spend $100 on gas round-trip (at 30mpg @ ~$2.80ish). So those 12+ hours of your time are not worth the other ~$100
  2. Are you guys the same person? :fuckyeah:
  3. More hearsay, but I was out to lunch with someone today that "knows her" and as you'd guess she is supposedly totally batshit crazy. I am betting its money. Either dude getting canned cut off her money or the interview paid somehow. Even in the interview when she was admitting she was yelling back at the douche for messing up her car...I can just imagine the things that were said. While he is scum for the abuse, it doesnt sound like she was exactly cowering in a corner. I completely speculate she really likely fueled the anger with words.
  4. This sickens me. I get the Title IX and all, but in the interview she talks about the Shelly texts then goes on to say Urban asked her how she was doing and she just says "Fine". Dont say you are fine if you are not fine. I know nothing is cut and dry, but man.
  5. I like the $7K "discount" lol https://www.ricart.com/used/Chevrolet/2008-Chevrolet-Corvette-ae15bd1f0a0e0adf0bdf930bae79336b.htm That is cool that they buy cars like CarMax though. Can be a win-win for all
  6. same. even if in part the guy is right. Scary shit
  7. While, yes that sucks, I get it. With more and more being online sales it does seem fair. This will be the least of our worries once the goverment-inflated bubble bursts and the dollar tanks.
  8. Shoot, they are both throw-away appliance cars, but that said I'd pick the Civic...at least you can get something back out of it maybe.
  9. Youd just want a mobile welder to come. No sense in renting one I would have to guess. Notching and the 'ol Gator Grip got the one I have been messing with off yesterday!
  10. I acutally just got a gator grip socket in the mail lol. Pretty excited about it. I have an allen drain bolt stripped out on our Mini. Going to enlarge my 'flathead' cut I Dremeled into it (which also might be an option for the OP)....and see if the Gator grips!
  11. Looks like the inner portion has some hex left? Is your hex wrench chamfered on the ends? maybe grind or cut it flat and prey it works.
  12. Nice!. Need some of those gnarly before pictures to really show the transformations
  13. I think a lot of places are scared to touch those damned things lol. A buddy of mine had Ricart of all places do it (well, gaskets) and it wasnt THAT bad. They certainly stressed that if a stud snapped off in the head he was fucked. That was on a 2011 I think? (if those had the 5.4s still)
  14. We used them for iPhone screens. Nice people.
  15. Maybe we could go run some of the "roads" up near Danville. Most you can probably do in 2WD, but some are a little bumpy. Can just explore, take the kiddos ect. Can be fun for a weekend outing. maybe 4-5 hours total. Brian could even hang on those dubs lol
  16. IN before sold. mistake on the lights. The orange is nice!
  17. iwashmycar

    Prime Day

    No monies. Building a house. Just stayed off it lol
  18. Not sure if these are the same or close but two look great https://columbus.craigslist.org/wto/d/goodyear-wrangler-sr-p275/6640909160.html
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