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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. Wonder if its a flood car. Look at that door panel
  2. I always forget they even sell the stuff. Good lookin' out!
  3. Sounds like at this point if you got one cheap enough youd just drive it without touching the plugs ect....listen to the always present clacking of exhaust manifold leaks ect.
  4. (looks up jenkem) I learned something today. Thanks CR
  5. I just keep thinking they should have just went and bought a Prowler
  6. Makes me feel old as hell knowing that gen Vette is over 10 years old. Looks great!
  7. Start at $299 here: https://www.collegebedlofts.com/order-loft-beds-all.html
  8. The beginning of the Wiki actually seems pretty straightforward Sounds like a ok option if you dont have equity and do have high interest.
  9. Amazing! Though all I can see are those rotor hats lol
  10. And U-Haul got their trailer cleaned. Wins for everyone!
  11. Yeah, we use Frontiers for our trucks. We have 3 of them. Upside is they are tanks. Downside is a LOT of our stuff is just filling the back seats since the bed space is tiny. I guess some domestic full-size is likely to get you a LOT more TEERUCK for the money than the smaller stuff.
  12. Are you going to tow (a shit load?) with the truck? Seems wanting a V8 may not be best idea....It had sounded like you might not have been explicitly wanting a full size truck? Like the Frontiers, ect.. I wonder if you could even find a clean Gen1 Tacoma. They are incredible trucks, especially if it might be a part-year DD.
  13. It would maybe be more worth that $60/mo if it wasnt the exact same damned car lol. I think the "low miles" on the 2016, for example is nice...you will have a 4 year old car in another year or so with say 40K miles on it, instead of a 1.5 year old car with 25-30K miles on it.
  14. Nah. Isnt even a Porsche anymore lol. Could cover it in a trash bag and it would just be the worlds fastest 2JZ powered trash bag
  15. dude I used to work with had pretty much that exact car (maybe with better wheels), and it was awesome...the leather with the stitching ect inside is really really nice. Was a little rocket too. Was comfortable for 4 adults if need be.
  16. Countryman fits all that criteria.... but so does any Subaru. Get an outback and you wont even need a truck lol
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