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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    I Laughed

    LOL, Ak-47-type ... otherwise known as Ak-47-ish. Or gun.
  2. For a maroon car either match as close as possible, or do black.
  3. So we can all agree that pornography is the single most important invention of the last several centuries, correct ? Industrialized Agriculture ? Modern Medicine ? Electricity ? Fuck all the dumb shit, I'm ordering up 2 dozen sluts a minute that suck cum off of each others tits, and with a little luck, vomit that shit back up all over each other.
  4. Thanks the godz ... now OLED panels instead of doorglass and I would be impressed.
  5. Am I the only one that thinks this is retarded ?
  6. I'm the owner/operator of Blockbuster INC and I am so angry with you guys right now. You ruined my fun, I got to charge totally awesome prices and fees, and then you bastards had to screw it all up by finding other more "inexpensive and less irritating" ways of renting movies. What are all those special needs kids that I hired as "checkout consultants" going to do now ? Lick the bus windows clean for public school systems ? For shame on you greedy bastards, for SHAME !
  7. sol740

    New to CR

    LOL. You sleuthy SOB You OP are a dirty, filthy whore of a liar. I command you drive both cars to the next meet to prove how much of a liar you are to everyone, when you roll up in your Geo.
  8. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1920944
  9. I giggled. It was a manly giggle though.
  10. sol740

    New to CR!

    Welcome, nice rides.
  11. ^x2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you don't beat the big boys with field goals. When you're playing a team as deep as USC you need touchdowns, just go for it, and even if you miss you're pinning them deep. The D was doing so well I felt bad for them cause our offense couldn't take advantage. Tressel lost us this game, and he will continue to lose outside of the conference against quality teams until he can learn to be a little more dynamic in his play-calling, we might as well start with 2nd and 9 every set. Our lack of adjustments is disheartening.
  12. If you could see my face right now, the utter lack of surprise is sobering.
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