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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You can protect yourself from the permeating, and possibly contagious 'stupid' by blocking all channels except Discovery, History, History Intl, Animal Planet, Science, NatGeo, and possibly Outdoor, if you must have a non interwebz news-source CNN, MSNBC, and FOXnews, however you must watch all three simultaneously to actually get a centrist newscast. If you are a southern baptist, please block all of the above mentioned channels and stick to the "Big 3" faith based networks. Either way you have stopped the Full Frontal Reality Craptasm Assault, and you may recover in time to save your brain afterall. Oh and you can DVR 30 Rock ... cause that shit rules.
  2. LOL, I wasn't really trying to do decent times until the Med & Hard difficulties, but since everyone keeps telling me that, I may have to revisit those early levels.
  3. Welcome-ish. I appreciate the effort, even with your questionable punctuation. I will withhold my +/- to see how this pans out. Try throwing some pics up, and maybe, just maybe putting a little effort into your sentence fragments. Fag ... and yes, yes I am.
  4. Sorry ... Trials HD, but I might pop in for a game or three.
  5. LMAO ... I'll take my bowl of rice to be rid of those god-awful stock evo tails BOT !
  6. What type of car? Evo 8 What mods? intake, exhaust, reflash, 6puck, springs, gauges, taillights Whats the car going to be built or is used for? Fun car, used for whatever What are your goals with the car? Get cams in, get actual tune, and when I buy a new DD (prob a Suby), shoot for the moon ... if I get into the atmosphere I'm sure I'd be happy. Or yikes ... sell Evo buy C6Vette, not sure.
  7. Im a big fan of the FX. Not enough to get rid of my Evo for it, but whatever floats your boat.
  8. sol740

    HTC Touch Pro

    ^ agreed, a lot of the ROMS I flashed to my 6800 were done in attempt to alleviate the hardware limitations of the device (specifically RAM). From what I've read the Touch Pro doesn't nearly have the same issues. Of course I jumped the winmo ship, so I wouldn't know for sure.
  9. sol740


    Apparently. Thanks for the ride info Cody, now get some pics of of the rides up and you should be on your way. Maybe a just a little more information.
  10. sol740


    OMG !!! ... I mean its not like that happens every 11 years or so. Seriously man, take any celestial/memorial/or any other random event, add some vaguely explained prophecy, coincidence or god forbid "theory", shake vigorously with peoples fears/desires/religions and what you have is your standard recipe for "end of the world" soup. Its not the first time, it won't be the last. If the world ends I'll buy you a coca-cola.
  11. sol740


    What's even more alarming is that throughout the entirety of human existence, people have picked countless, near-arbitrary dates for the end of world, and their record so far is 0. AMAZING !!!
  12. You mean sort of like when Acura RSX's swap out their badges for all Honda TYPE-R stuff and everyone is like "OMFG that is so awesome !!!" cause it's really the same car.
  13. You have a lambero ??? How much you want for it, and cash or check ???
  14. Go ahead ... defend your rice. My point is valid, it is not a TA, no matter how bad you wish it to be. Same as our 240sx guy.
  15. Ricers. Let me just stick my GT-R badge onto my 240sx here. Yup ... its the real thing.
  16. LMAO ... and here comes the +rep.
  17. sol740

    Friday Night 8/14

    Well I'm glad I stayed home than. Good cruise at least ?
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