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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Zimmerman ...

    Oh man, good point, in the winter walking to the house I could slip and possibly injure my head, I'm going to have to kill this deal.
  2. sol740

    Zimmerman ...

    Everyone keeps telling me I should turn around, stay away, but I just can't, I'm going after it.
  3. sol740

    Zimmerman ...

    Familiar with this guy or community? Would like to take a shot at this place on Martin.
  4. Edit, I just realized you have the HDs, and PSU, so the kit below probably isn't as nice. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1327036 $500 after rebate, use rebate to buy extra RAM. Wait for killer GPU deal on slick.
  5. Use code DOW27 at checkout, free shipping, limited. AFAIK, will not apply to fluids.
  6. I kind of think I can see what you did there ...
  7. Seriously happy that disgusting maggot is off the street. Now all society needs to do is spend the quarter on the bullet, put this piece of human excrement into a shallow grave, and be better off. Or we could give him a bed, feed him 3 square per day, TV, workout equipment, cover his healthcare for the next 25 to life, and have it all come out of the taxpayers pockets.
  8. It was somewhat tongue in cheek, hence the "supposedly". However at this point in the US we are generally more tolerant, and accepting of other races than ever before. The president is bi-racial for fucks sake, that almost seemed impossible 10 years ago, ask Chris Rock.
  9. Fookin sweet, congrats.
  10. So because it's advantageous to be white in the US, it's ok to be racist? These comments from the supposedly fair and tolerant, never cease to bewilder me. 'Cracker' does not have the history of many of the familiar racial epithets, I would never argue against that, but historical weight is the last thing anyone should give a fuck about in our supposedly post-racial America. The question should go "Are you being racist right now"? If the answer is yes, then you should fucking quit that shit, regardless of your own racial identification.
  11. Once you get past the genitalia mutilation part, it gets real mellow. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2013/06/24/self-castration-michigan/2453939/
  12. Lol, so you ... don't ... want me to unholster my weapon?
  13. I think the NCAA eased off because now more than ever the entire NCAA is under major scrutiny, for harsh penalties that don't punish the guilty, inept leadership, scandals regarding the scandals, to lawsuits about making boatloads of cash off the backs of athletes all under the guise of supposed "amateurism". Things are looking rocky.
  14. Sorry, if you can't handle the stress of dealing with the public, and dealing with dirt-bag criminals, and understanding the difference between the public and the dirt bags, even assholes, you have no business being a police officer, and you need to be released from your position before you blow a gasket and shoot someone. Being recorded should be an expectation, he's a public employee, paid by tax-dollars. Window washers aren't arms of the government, out about in public, enforcing the law of the state/county/city, and potentially violating the rights of their customers. Scrutiny of those who wield power is a good thing.
  15. I think that looks badass, plain-old, no BS, aggressive.
  16. Glad to see this video is making the rounds, I hope the bastard gets what's coming to him. Well, he won't get what's coming to him, but hopefully they can get this animal off the street. For sure, every second counts. My wife always complains to our friends about my random "GET THE GUN NOW!!!" drills, but at least I am confident of her being able to procure, and operate all of the HD firearms I own. I may not be able to simulate the high level of stress, but repetition has to count for something.
  17. Videos like that are why I support capital punishment.
  18. sol740


    Nm, offtopic rant, back to regularly scheduled program.
  19. I'm going to clean this up before it goes, but otherwise, it looks like a racecar. Needs something in the middle to support a crib mattress, we used the bottom piece of our crib. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20130622_102535-1_zps7a3f4e05.jpg $50 obo
  20. Both are meant for young kids, I bought for my son, and he had fun with them till he was old enough for a bigger/faster 12v. Not sure what these go for, I think I paid $140ish for the Harley Trike, and $100 for the Tot Rod. Condition is good, stickers aren't perfect and they could use a nice cleanup, but run fine. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20130622_091816-1_zps10310e25.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20130622_100946-1_zpsb48ce07b.jpg $80 for the Harley Davidson OBO $50 for the Little People Tot Rod OBO
  21. sol740

    XBOX One

    True, but I didn't just build a new gaming PC for nothing damn it.
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