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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I'm down for a secession, though hardly just because of who's in the oval office. Secession is the right of every sovereign state, did we all forget what sovereign means?
  2. That's assuming it's true. Though if you're just being facetious, my bad.
  3. Gotta side with Vince here, these are the kinds of bills that get the pro-gun community in a hissy, and for all the "paranoid gun-owner" talk you hear from the left, they sure do come at it hard enough. If this includes businesses, which is the way I'm interpreting it, this would effectively kill legal concealed carry in the state. It's a hundred times easier to just put a sign on the door/window than to have every CHL holder personally ask your permission, it's a waste of time for everyone involved. These folks need removed from office.
  4. I see a 1911, and ahh gad ... http://eyebleach.com/
  5. C'mon, what a witch hunt. Who hasn't masturbated to the sweet, ear-piercing squeal of Elmo, mid-tickle fit. AMIRITE? Guys?
  6. That's why I used a paper ballod, though those can be cheated at too. The security of these machines are highly questionable though, and we should be quite demanding of their verifiable accuracy. Dems were certainly calling for that in 04.
  7. I live in the area, and will be on the lookout. Good luck.
  8. Weed, heroin, cocaine, mescaline, huffing paint thinner, shooting krokadil, none of it should have anything to do with law enforcement, courts, jails, tax dollars, ect. Is some of that pretty fucking stupid to take part in? Of course it is. Educate, and advise, pros and cons, risk assessments, and allow people the freedom to decide for themselves. Creating black markets for gangsters and scumbags with no legal recourse for grievances, and no responsibility to field reliable products, leads to street violence, death, not to mention hyperinflated prices .
  9. Good, the government should stay the fuck out of peoples personal lives. Would I? I'm sure I would occasionally, wouldn't have to worry about being arrested, or dealing with some shady ass dealer.
  10. sol740

    Halo 4 > voting

    Consoles have plenty of good games to offer, even if I prefer PC gaming.
  11. sol740

    Halo 4 > voting

    Hey, how'd you get my picture?
  12. Just started, but so far so good. Big graphical improvement. Difficulty on heroic is challenging. Will want a team for legendary. Going to finish the campaign before I dive into MP.
  13. sol740

    AR15 vs

    But are there m4 feed ramps?
  14. Good to hear, I may look into one myself since we could use it in the morning for podcasts.
  15. sol740

    Walking Dead

    I wonder if Carl actually shot her? I bet not.
  16. Apple consumers expect high prices. My only apple was a dual core Power PC, that cost me 3 times as much as the next x86 PC I built. That said, if you prefer the form factor, and you're happy with its capabilities than congrats on your purchase. I much prefer the 7 and 8 inch tablets.
  17. No. No gun controls. There's nothing in the constitution that protects ownership of cars, and look at that fucking mess. Have to pay to register a car you own, every fucking year, to drive on streets your taxes pay for, while being careful to avoid speeding tickets, or park in the wrong place, pay fucking taxes to buy one used from a private seller, all under the guise of safety, and really just to generate revenue. Let's just leave the government out of it.
  18. I read your post and comprehended well enough, and thoroughly disagree. If you read the rest of the thread, I give my reasons for fully supporting recording such civil disobedience. The above quoted was what I was focusing on, exactly because I am absolutely opposed to random police checks, and also because I have lost friends to idiots. So you understand, I am not assuming anything about you specifically. Nor was I anxious to bring up anything so personal about myself, as it is irrelevant. Our freedoms are worth protecting, even from seemingly minor "inconveniences", for seemingly just causes. I appreciate the semi-apology, but it's not necessary. It's just the internet.
  19. Please don't assume what others have and have not gone through, it's presumptuous, and a little offensive. I've personally lost a dear friend, at the far too young age of 22, and another friend's older brother, to a drunk-driving moron. That doesn't effect how I feel about my, or anybody else's personal rights. Terrible shit happens all the time and you can't legislate it away, or strip innocent peoples rights away in a mad attempt to fix or prevent. Punish the guilty, and move on. The man who killed my friend's brother served less than 10 years, how about we start working on that. The thing you need to understand is once a person accepts a position as an officer of the state/fed they have personally chosen to personify the government. In doing such they must respect all of our rights as citizens, and are bound to the highest law in the land.
  20. That's exactly what I need.
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