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Everything posted by sol740

  1. SPOILERS BELOW DO NOT READ YOUVE WARNED I fall into the crowd that thinks the film itself serves as an allegory for the entire horror genre creative process. The audience being the ancient gods that demand horror trope sacrifices in a particular fashion. The director overseeing the whole project. So on and so forth.
  2. Being somewhat of a horror fan I had heard about Joss Whedon's take on the horror genre long before I saw the film. Then when it finally hit theaters after a major delay, the positive reviews came pouring in. For some reason I never got out to see it. I finally watched it last night, and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd give a proper review/synopsis if I didn't think this film is far better seeing on media/review blackout. The less you know going in, the better I assume it is. The only thing I'd want to include in this first post is that it's about five young people that head out to a cabin in the woods (omg spoilers) for some horror cliche fun. If that sounds terribly formulaic, that's the point. TLDR Blood, gore, tits, ass. Two thumbs up.
  3. Thank you sir, just ordered an STR stock kit to complete my lower build.
  4. I will be voting Gary Johnson, so I picked write-in.
  5. sol740


  6. sol740


    No doubt it's about money, but LOL at the mayor of Boston believing freedom is telling people how they should think.
  7. sol740


    We will no longer cater to those with political agendas!!! We'd like to the thank The Civil Rights Agenda for helping us.
  8. There were several recessions in the economic boom you're discussing. Housing is dirt cheap, and loans are at historically low interest rates. Minimum wage should be"whatever the least amount of money you're willing to agree to". This is how the business owner can provide the consumer the best possible deal, thus gaining a competitive edge. Unions, at least in the public sector, run antithetical to the entire idea of the public, as public entities should run as efficiently and cheaply as possible. If you think throwing money at crony teachers unions improves our children's educations, per our own governmental standards, or that police unions need more ticket writers, and drug abuser arrests to operate as they should actually operate (investigating actual crimes against the people and not crimes the state gets to make money on), you may be the one susceptible to media brainwashing. Government assistance is a blight on our society. Charity and compassion are beautiful, forcing someone to be charitable under threat of violence is not. Just for the record, I am not a fan of Fox News, and while I am not a fan, per se, (fan being short for fanatic) of any major media news outlet, recognize that Fox is a particularly egregious offender in the realm of propaganda spin.
  9. I respect your ideas, even though I disagree that forced welfare somehow improves society. I would argue the opposite, welfare and its inevitable abuse leads to a class of citizens whose job becomes "gaming the system". This does not encourage that man or woman in becoming useful to society through works, but allows laziness to fester and spread. I second the decriminalization of personal habits such as drugs. Though cut the funding and give it back to the people. Allow businesses to sell what the market has demand for. Educate how drugs adversely effect your body, and the proper expectations of abuse.
  10. Our parents and grandparents should depend on themselves, their kids, and families for support and not society at large. We should be teaching responsibility for oneself, and not to expect handouts from anyone. At the same time the government should not be stealing 30% of our incomes and then providing a solution to the problem it creates. Our parents and grandparents grew this monster and now we are going to fix the problems, or kick the can down the road and let our kids and grandkids pay for our stupidity.
  11. We should stop stealing from taxpayers to give handouts to people who do nothing but drain from society. Then we won't have to discuss such preposterously unconstitutional, and morally incomprehensible "solutions" like forced sterilization.
  12. That was difficult, yet satisfying to fap to, like Golden Girls.
  13. Because we have military presences in places we have no business being. Because we install brutal dictators to protect our interests to the detriment of the people living in those lands, then later bomb civilians while trying to remove said dictators. Because we back Israel. Because religious zealots despise our culture and are being used and recruited by assholes who use religion as many politicians have before. Osama certainly didn't fly any planes into buildings. Trade with whom we need, stop being the world police.
  14. Congrats, she's a classy piece.
  15. Well it was in reply to Alex, so it's not really a stand-alone statement, but in the contextual point of view, I mean such events are not unprecedented. In a more general, broader way, simply that religious blinders often allow for cirque du soliel-esque bends of logic.
  16. I'm recalling a cartoonist in Europe who had drawn a few funnies that many Muslims found offensive. At a protest a person held a sign that read something along the lines of 'let those who would call Islam violent be beheaded.' That's the level of stupid we are dealing with.
  17. Get our noses out of international affairs beyond trade. Lets do what's best for Americans for once. Not Israel, not the military industrial complex, not for destabilizing "democratic" nation-building. Democracy in lands full of insane, religiously-ignorant, pieces of excrement only creates a government full of elected officials that are insane, and religiously-ignorant. Hamas anyone? Democracy can only work for the people(more importantly, the person) confined by a bill of rights/constitution that limits government powers, and recognizes individual rights. Unchecked democracy is no better than a dictatorship, and these people aren't ready, and do not want it.
  18. Put my vote here ... in 3 years.
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