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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Obama is an easy choice amongst the neo-con, evangelicals we've got in this crop. Romney is moderate enough beyond that, but being a Massachusetts moderate conservative I would have assumed he would be divisive amongst the republican party. This seems to not be the case, as I assume the strategy we are seeing is to use a moderate to appeal to swing voters centrist in their ideologies. Call me an idiot all you want for voting for Obama, my values split me towards social freedom, over economic freedom, while teetering the razors edge of inconsequentiality since both parties backslide their traditional stances regularly trying to appease whatever demographic of voters needed to get them elected.(example, democrats attacking video games and music as a cheap scapegoat for real problems too complex to boil down into catchphrases, and republicans routinely voting to expand governnent power, think Patriot Act, despite a supposedly "small government" rhetoric) Scott, Paul's voting record is one of the most consistent in regards to his respect for the constitution. He has made mistakes like all politicians, and he says and supports some things I disagree with. However, he will grab a large group of independents, and many slightly left(such as myself), find him infinitely more electable, and therefore could take a large swath of swing voters. Lastly, even if Paul gets into office, it is not unlikely his ideas would be diluted, if not wholly suffocated by an increasingly inept, and gridlocked Congress. We have a governmental problem. Not just a Presidential problem.
  2. If Paul takes the republican nomination I will vote republican. If anybody else gets the nod I will vote Obama. My mind could be changed, though with the current crop of potentials, I would not wager I would be swayed.
  3. Never did care for those. Welcome.
  4. Also we'd finally get to see southern teams play in the cold, more than a mile away from their home stadiums.
  5. A true playoff would generate roughly 2 to 3 times as much revenue as the BCS(estimates as high as 750mill). Playing playoff games at the higher seeded home would save the university from having to pony up for tickets that usually cost them money, while saving us from paying ridiculous travel packages to watch a game. It's not about money to the universities, it's about the old boys club protecting their friends, and city's wanting to protect tourism.
  6. I am disappoint. However if there no plus 1 at minimum, I will personally start a riot up in Ann Armor.
  7. That's it! I'm coaxing 2 homeless dudes into having disgusting trash sex this very evening! I will pay another homeless man to record it, and send it to CNN.
  8. Les Miles on the AP "that's up to the voters" ... YES. Total fucking chaos. I want a split championship. Nao pleez? Okie for spite?
  9. Right, I feel the same way. Cool, I expect it to smooth out significantly after reading up on it. Agreed. The extension really helps the grip feel really comfortable, but I have medium sized hands.
  10. Why is Bruce Willis watching me jerk off?
  11. First BCS championship I didn't bother to watch. Most of the people I know refused to watch as well. I hope the ratings are garbage. Alabama winning is even better, since I hate LSU. Only could've been better if it was a close game, and Bama won out, but still, I can't wait to hear the fan-whining coming from down south.
  12. God parted the linemen so Tebow could break between the tackles.
  13. No, thats a myth. He was a genius at math, he could have taught college level math in grade school.
  14. :fuckyeah: That was much better than what I wrote. Succinct, and to the point.
  15. Fooking sexy. Do want to shoot.
  16. LOL, yeah, I think I got use to carrying the Kimber cocked and locked and now if I have the option I think I will choose to have to a safety if available, and comfortable. I carried my Glock with one in the chamber without issues, and I feel my trigger discipline is excellent. I don't think I've have my boogerhook on the bangswitch without purpose since first learning to shoot. However the more I think about it, the more I feel like most striker-fire pistols are closer to single-action, than double action, and that the term Double-Action Only is a bit misleading. My Kimber had about a 5lb pull, I would guess the M&P does too, also the G17. Difference is I would have never carried the 1911 chambered, safety off. I know the only real safety is between my ears, but maybe someday the safety prevents an accident, a terrible slip of ordinary operation that could have otherwise been a lifetime of regret. I doubt that occurs as much as I doubt it would ever hinder me in a defensive situation. I can't know for sure but I do feel like I've trained myself for a thumb safety now, and it's relatively automatic, as part of the draw.
  17. That would be sweet, thanks. I heard if you just ask S&W they just give them to you so I actually emailed them, so we'll see if they come through. Yeah ... despite trying to cut back on having so many calibers, I will own some 45acp firearms. Specifically 1911s. Even more specifically, full-size 1911s that will probably be safe-queens. Maybe even give em to my kids someday.
  18. For a number reasons all having to do with simplicity, and wanting to be cheap-er, I have sold a large portion of my admittedly small handgun collection. Sold the Kimber Ultra 45acp, sold the HK USP40, and sold the Beretta PX4 SC40. I decided to focus on 9mm. With those sold, I needed to pickup a 9mm more suited to be an EDC. I was planning on adding another Glock to my collection, and either getting a G19, or G26. I ended up with neither. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_8872.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_8868.jpg So I went to the range today to test it out. Now I have fired the full-size and I expected similar feel, and function and that's exactly what I got. Pistol functioned flawlessly with about 75 rounds of ball, and 20 jhp. Obviously far from being conclusive, but a damn good start, it went bang when I wanted it to. Grip was very comfortable while shooting(medium backstrap), and recoil was not overly sharp through the smallish frame. Trigger has a little grittiness to it through take-up(hopefully will break-in), but breaks clean. Groups were plenty tight at defensive ranges, and I'm sure the gun is plenty more capable than myself. So far so good.
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