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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I, for one, welcome our new CR overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted member I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground server caves.
  2. This isn't one of those lighthearted, chuckle-chuckle, "Phil-bans" I've become so accustomed to. This is like being a little kid and watching your parents fight.
  3. Do you guys know how bad professional Curlers have knee problems? Psssssh, football, basketball. Try sweeping some ice and then having some knobslobbing sessions. Terrible on the knees.
  4. Stories like this remind me that I must never become too comfortable with my firearms. Though I would never even dream of sticking one upside my head. Still, I must always have respect, and treat as if loaded. Hope he recovers. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57353715/navy-seal-shoots-self-with-gun-believed-unloaded/
  5. Also, frothy, they have to use the word frothy?
  6. I wouldn't know, cause I never use lube.
  7. Sooooo, PSU got that rockstar head coach hire they've all been dreaming of and waiting patiently for. The blogosphere couldn't be happier.
  8. They also make them pray sometimes. AT A CATHOLIC SCHOOL!!! Total pussicfication of Catholicism. Or should I say total namblassification of Catholicism.
  9. sol740

    Dear wnaplay...

    This thread is one giant winter holy shit.
  10. Yeah, that'll fuck up your night.
  11. Man, they let some lardasses play basketball in Connell.
  12. Let me know when you guys get to the "Death Zone".
  13. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/9153428_427978204_n.jpg
  14. That is fucking cool.
  15. Same, I've also never had a bad dinner there. Kobe is awesome though.
  16. I'm running a number of operating systems on many machines and as unnerdly as it sounds I'm on Windows 7 more than anything else because I game so much. Other than that I'm running Ubuntu on my main laptop, and its functional, and well supported by the community. Hard to go wrong there if you're wanting Linux.
  17. A singlecore 2ghz and 1GB of ram? Like P4 class? I think they hand those out at the homeless shelter, try there. Seriously if you can't WINE or emulate that on your macbook a machine of said specs would be dirt cheap on CL.
  18. Sometimes he seems to get into a pattern of not picking a direction. He jukes left, right, left, right, left, aaaaaand tackled for a loss.
  19. I'd like to personally thank Gene Smith for this awesome bowl game.
  20. Go ahead ... spam away :gabe:
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