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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Yikes. Last time I remember discussing the Patriot Act I read a bunch of "catch terrorists, safety, post 9/11 Murica, blah blah blah" and all was well. Now NDAA, and it's all "constitution, losing our rights, blah blah blah". Vote Ron Paul.
  2. Yeah, I'm not working tomorrow, and pretty much everyone I know is off. Most jobs that guarantee specific holidays will bump them if they fall on a weekend. Pretty much every non-shitty job I ever had did.
  3. Oh shit ... can I do a 3-way(4?) tie between Planescape Torment, Baldurs Gate 2, and Half-life/CounterStrike?
  4. sol740

    Be Chevy...

    Meh, piston to rotor like gawd intended.
  5. sol740


    Is that a video of him, slowly pulling out of his dad's house?
  6. sol740


    That is a secksy purple. Guy with Supra is here now? Thread is going to waste.
  7. I actually really liked Blood Meridian, but Cormac Mccarthy's writing style is almost infuriating to me, despite the prose.
  8. Muthafucking +rep for success on troll.
  9. Survivor, or Fight Club. Haunted is good if you don't mind being disgusted. Here's a link to an excerpt. http://chuckpalahniuk.net/features/shorts/guts
  10. Jones is my internet hero.
  11. Maybe he just likes Legos.
  12. Just recently read House of Leaves, that is a scary mindfuck. Also started recently re-reading most of Palaniuks stuff, just finished Survivor and forgot how awesome it was. Have you read the Illuminatus Trilogy?
  13. When did you get a WRX? Must have missed that one. Also the only time one can be forgiven for slowing the left lane down is in the presence of the popo. Though you must immediately do a highway burnout to signal your awareness of the situation. No foul.
  14. Couldn't agree more. It would be many times easier to acquire a firearm from someone who wouldn't be inclined to shoot you while you were attempting to steal it. Say like buying one. Or even stealing one, that was in someone else's home. Or whatever. Regardless of the reason, you should not legally be allowed to strip someone of their ability to fairly defend themselves. Schools have been "gun-free" zones for decades, hasn't stopped the psychos, just creates a bunch of sitting ducks.
  15. As opposed to that psycho kid just bringing a gun to go on a murderous rampage, thus avoiding the entire scuffle in the first place?
  16. sol740

    UFC 141

    They really need to stop numbering or cheesewording UFCs. UFC is on. That's that. REDEMPTION! Though I too am excited to watch the giant fight.
  17. He's a cowardly piece of shit. Sports are played to see who wins. Delany is posturing for regional gain over competition itself. Also no one knows how much money a true playoff would generate because we've never had one. Though estimates are generally 2 to 3 times as much as the BCS currently. The bowl sponsor cities certainly don't want anything to upset their travel packages/tourism attractions, which is why they are all so vehemently opposed to one. That's why we have no true postseason, to protect tourism, makes perfect sense. I would rather watch a highly seeded buckeye team in the Shoe over paying thousands on a travel package I could give a fuck less about, any day of the week. Then of course, you also have to take into account how much money schools lose paying for ticket allotments their traveling fans can't fill. Not everyone is Ohio State.
  18. Hahahahahaha, one of my favorite books/films.
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