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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Yeah, tried it the other night. Hilarious.
  2. You don't stick your thumbs in your ears when you're doing it? Is that just me?
  3. Thank god I'm not the only one that rolled their eyes at that. YES MORON ... we have all purchased items from sellers via craigslist ... that's why it's a creepy story in the first place. However, not all of us would allow 2 strangers to lure us to a remote location on a whim, and a loose promise.
  4. Such f%$@ing bulls@#$! Oh no.
  5. I'd just start with Skyrim. They aren't "sequels" to each other storywise(outside of the general history), so might as well. The dragons as far as I know don't scale, and the bears and trolls and shit do. So while dragons tend to level off after a few, other encounters seem oddly difficult in logical comparison. Of course, I annihilate dragons, bears, giants, and trolls, so whatever, mage ftw. :fuckyeah:
  6. Sol740 ... eeeerrrrrrr ... I mean ... ArchMage Humpawhore.
  7. It's the next Elder Scrolls game, so one could say that. Though what happened during Oblivion is part of the history in Skyrim(same continent different country). They didn't hack it in the sense that the developers purposefully release toolkits to users, but you could certainly say they weren't quite intending/expecting that.
  8. Todd Howard has repeatedly stated that they are working on a console delivery model for console mods that is agreeable with MS and Sony. Everything is built with the same toolkit, so theoretically, any mod should work. Although its a long shot, as certain security risks must be assessed. Also it's just plain easier to make backups of saves, and even completely tear down and reinstall should something go apeshit on PC. Maybe a little hope?
  9. Loving this game. Not too far in, just finished the Winterhold College missions (killer mage loot), and downed a couple dragons and whatnot. Building a pure mage (duelwield spells, robes, small enchanted armor pieces for bonuses) level 15. I basically built this PC for Witcher 2 and Skyrim. I can't even guess how many hours I will pour into this one, especially with mods and dlc.
  10. Yes. They are stretching this particular storyline so thin I don't even give a shit anymore. Not that it had any real legs to start with, but the sooner it's over the better.
  11. Cut the owners head off, put in dog house, in the doggie bed. See if that sends the message.
  12. I don't know ... I hope it's good. The obligatory "walking away from the explosion" shot I could have done without.
  13. sol740

    Ouija Boards

    Monopoly board with letters : Door to afterlife EKG meters : Detection of afterlife Geiger counters : Detecting radioactive afterlife. Hmmmm, all checks out.
  14. sol740

    Ouija Boards

  15. sol740

    joe pa fired

    This is bad, and the folks at PSU have some rough times ahead of them, but at least no one received any free tattoos.
  16. That was really hard to beat off to. Till I switched hands.
  17. Same, what the fuck is going on in here? I love watching Phil work but I need context damn it.
  18. Sorry bout that man, that's fucking weak.
  19. Or put them together ... Raiden. (alt costume)
  20. I can't masturbate to that. Till I get home.
  21. Even being sick of dubstep, that was awesome.
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