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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    Simply because I need to do more research.
  2. sol740


    Free talk live almost have me on board the bitcoin train.
  3. sol740


    I will likely be in. Where first ?
  4. Flattery can only earn you one positive rep point at a time.
  5. Till you get bored, then you'll be like "well I got these jets just sitting around doing nothing..."
  6. I dig the color. Car seems clean enough too. Words of advice, the "you don't know me" act comes off lame online, but at least you admitted the intro was weak. Reading the sticky would have saved you some grief. Otherwise welcome, there's lots of folks with tons of good knowledge on mustangs. I am not one of those people
  7. These fucks were posting that the victim of the attack was a "pussy" for using a gun(no whining about 2 vs 1 of course).
  8. I believe that's the one that makes your computer get all emo and self-immolate.
  9. Epic thread on Ohioccw.org http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=53502 CLIFFS: CHL holder pumping gas is attacked by two thugs. Perforates one, and escapes. Thugs post on Facebook. There is a surveillance video.
  10. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Awesomesmilies-038.jpg
  11. Property is property, it hardly matters just how one aquires it(most of the time) , if it's legal. She could have been borrowing her dad's car for the night. Even if it is her car, from daddy with a big bow on top, that hardly makes a group of supposed 'men', destroying it, any more justifiable. Regardless, her property is no more morally valuable the beater down the street that also got torched. What is admirable, albeit foolish, is the extent she goes to trying to protect it. She is a tiny girl, throwing swings at an angry mob of drunken, worthless, morons.
  12. You shouldn't. Nor should our government.
  13. Welcome, clean car sir.
  14. +1 on talking to owner, and keeping pepper spray in car.
  15. Fuck these motherfuckers in the earhole. Kudos to the chicks for having more balls than every one of the cowards in this vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hId9LM9FtJA
  16. HEY MAN !!! We going shooting sometime with JR or what ?
  17. sol740

    Public Rep

    I kind of like it. Whatever though.
  18. Alex ... are you ... petting it ?
  19. sol740

    Ryan Dunn = Dead

    Mine does. Mostly H & J or P & R. Though sometimes, every now and then the vowels take up arms against the consonants. The vowels always lose ... stupid vowels.
  20. So they are trying to get her to stop, and no amount of cash is too much ?
  21. sol740

    Ryan Dunn = Dead

    I assume you are correct, it probably wasn't an innocuous mishap, likely alcohol+ speed, but I can't know that for certain right now.
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