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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Ryan Dunn = Dead

    Cars kill plenty of folks without the help of alcohol. So it's not entirely impossible that he didn't just have an accident. Insurance rates are proof enough that just having a "sports car" predisposes one to varying degrees of car-fuckery. Also, I seriously doubt that anyone in this thread that has chosen to consume alcohol before, hasn't driven with some amount of alcohol in their system. I also think there is a great probability of alcohol contributing to this accident, but no one knows yet, so condemning a man who is already dead, seems at best presumptuous.
  2. My first glock was a police trade-in. Beat to fuck, holster worn, and never missed a beat.
  3. Paul, man I'm sorry to hear that, but glad to see we can hetero-cuddle soon.
  4. sol740


    If dry, may head out.
  5. I was going to put that one down. Another one that pushes the envelope,"Inside", the French don't fuck around when it comes to horror. I double dare you.
  6. Always been one of my favorite Z32s.
  7. End prohibition. Cartels out of business. Freedom wins.
  8. That was the color Evo I wanted. Sick shots ! I l also passed you in Sunbury not too long ago.
  9. SB17 possible vote today, live session at 1:30pm http://www.ohiochannel.org/Index.aspx?liveStreamId=10
  10. :fuuuu: Now that just pisses me off. kekekeke ... no, no it doesn't ... Hal's totally right. :lolguy:
  11. Your guyz's moms are so ignorant to particle physics that they thought the QCD sector was for gluing together pieces of cheese. :lolguy: :fa:
  12. I want to drive "the shitheap". Welcome.
  13. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/300px-718smileysvg.png COLUMBUS RACING SHOULD BE BATTLER
  14. The slaying of Dr Rick was ebattle stuff of legend. Eli ... is Voltron?
  15. Cool pics man. Looks like an awesome time.
  16. Welcome to CR. Cool collection.
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