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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Hey Mike. Those pics look familiar. Lots of fbodies on here like I was telling you, so you get an unfair intro credit.
  2. Looked real nice on Saturday. Killer dd.
  3. There's a couple guys with MS3's floating around here. Get some pics of the ride up. Welcome to CR.
  4. sol740


    Havent shot this one yet. Though my other shotgun with a pistol grip was a 12 gauge so I assume similar aim with better follow up shots. Though yes, you need practice with it.Personally i'd take the short length over pinpoint accuracy any day of the week at in-home distances. I definitely see your point on not giving away your position. Makes perfect sense from a tactical point of view. Id still bet 90% or more of your potential intruders high tail it, of course that's just my opinion and I have no data that backs that up. I guess I'm strictly thinking along path of least resistance.
  5. sol740


    I agree. IMO for home defense I'd recommend any 12 or 20 gauge with an 18.5 inch barrel, and pistol grip for maneuverability. You can see the Mossberg 500 I just picked up for that very purpose in the thread I just started. I went with a 20 gauge cause my wife can control it, and is less intimidated by the recoil. Also a 20 gauge with buckshot will still cause massive damage. Lastly I say pump because if I was breaking into a house, and I heard the sound of a shotgun being racked I would not be sticking around. If you're going to buy a single pistol, and even have the possibility of carry, you can't really go wrong with a Glock. Say a Glock 27 in .40. Decent number of rounds, and the .40 still packs a good punch with JHPs. I've heard good things about the XD-40 compact as well. I just picked up a PX4 storm SCF in .40 and am looking forward to putting some down the pipe. Also 1911.
  6. Good advice for sure, but I've always liked Beretta's da/sa triggers, so i just grabbed it up. Dry firing I think it feels great for a da/sa, smooth and breaks when I expect. Thanks. Impulse buys FTW. For reals, my uncle lives in Pickerington and goes to Ohio Valley, so next time we head out there I'll hit you up.
  7. The Storm also feels great in your hand. Kind of splits the line between a true sub like the LCP, and a normal compact(though it is closer to a compact).
  8. Well my sons birthday is as good a day as any to buy crap for myself. Plus he got all kinds of Batman, and Cars goodies so he's happy. Grabbed a couple new carry pieces. One is suppose to be for the wife mostly, but I find it just sits so innocuously in my pocket, it's very easy to just grab and go. Also picked up a new shotgun, 20 gauge MB 500 strictly for home defense. Wife doesn't mind 20 gauge, and was on sale. Sorry bout the pics, haven't had a chance to take nice ones yet. Beretta PX4 Storm 40S&W Subcompact http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/_-3.jpg Ruger LCP http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/_-2.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/_-4.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/_-5.jpg Mossberg 500 Cruiser 20 gauge http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/_.jpg
  9. That's a shitty situation for sure. Maybe call mom or dad and be like WTF is up with your sister ?
  10. A gun is a tool with a single true purpose(to harm without bias, bias of course is introduced by the user of said tool), and I would not argue that. The positive or negative vibes attached to the use of a firearm are purely subjective, and will be highly varied if somewhat predictable. Since 'vibes' are not measurable data, we have to break this down as simply as possible. Luckily when it comes to the use of a firearm in self defense, others have already explained it far better than I ever could. Such as 'Reason Vs. Force' by Marko Kloos.
  11. Well, as humans we tend to seek out certain outcomes (desired or undesired) through our actions that we often attribute to higher powers, or fate, when often the result is really simple probability. Karma exists because good people put themselves in situations that lend themselves to good reactions/responses, and vice versa, not because of some ancient-eastern, magical, philosophy. Your subject with the car stereo could have avoided the theft of his headunit, by not installing it. The act of installing a desirable aftermarket stereo is in effect, knowingly subjecting one to the possibility that one who may also desire it(we can usually measure that desirability in dollar value)may decide to steal it if given the opportunity. That's just increased probability. Before we get to carrying a firearm for personal protection, we should discuss fear. Fear is a motivator for sure, but fear as a motivator is not always negative. I want my family to eat, without stable employment, that may not happen. Fearful motivation plays a positive role in my family's livelihood and general well-being. Taken to extremes fear can be destructive too, but so can drinking 4 gallons of water. So now that we know fearful motivation can lead to desirable ends, we take into account the point of carrying a firearm. Carrying a firearm for protection of oneself, or family, without intent of malice upon others, is a security measure to counteract the possibility of being in an otherwise unfairly stacked, forceful human interaction. I suppose I could see a circumstance where one develops a false sense of security in the act of possessing a firearm, and then having inflated that feeling, place themselves in higher probability situations, say like walking through a dark alley at 2am, but with a "fuck it, I got a gun" attitude, and I think we've all known someone like this. Logically, being aware of ones surroundings and environment is the best deterrent to becoming a potential target of opportunity. I suppose the firearm would be added insurance.
  12. sol740

    Flame war

    Yeah, minimal is probably more appropriate since there was likely more than the absolute smallest ganggape possible. Fixed ? http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Fred6-1.jpg
  13. I see where you're going. This may be more accurate though. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/1171740ko3.jpg :fuckyeah:
  14. sol740

    Flame war

    This thread was like a fucking rollercoaster. New guy deserves a sig to commemorate this event. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Fred6.jpg
  15. I have it whenever I am sleep deprived and then finally get rest. The first time it happened to me I was absolutely terrified, I remember trying to scream but nothing would come out. I also thought there was something wrong with me, but after research I came across sleep paralysis and now I can just go with it. It's actually a great way to start a lucid dream. Your breathing feels stunted and uncomfortable and that's why I was so afraid the first time because I felt like I was suffocating. Once you realize it's all a part of normal sleep (you're just not suppose to be conscious), you can relax yourself into a lucid dream. Mine always feels like I'm falling through my bed at first, then I'm in a dream but fully aware of it. Kind of neat actually. Fun fact: Pretty much every case of alien-abduction can be attributed to sleep paralysis as one often "senses" other people or things in the room with them(or sitting on them/pressing on them). One line of reasoning states that the sleeper is simply half-dreaming/half awake and being semi-conscious, interprets dream figures as reality.
  16. Canon 40D and XS. Need more glass.
  17. LOLwut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yysbbPStfWw
  18. Yawn. Hansen provided much entertainment and justice. Enterjustice. The man deserves some ass.
  19. Yeah, ugly for sure. Though still cool if you end up having a really rare car.
  20. Hahahahahahahaha. Kids, don't be a douche to your Evos.
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