Cody, take Kirks advice here. Log off, back away from the keyboard, and chill for a moment. You are really coming off like a prick here, and I've never met you. Worse than that, based off the impressions some good folks on here are giving me, I wouldn't want to meet you.
Now that's not entirely fair, and I tend to get along with just about anyone that can manage some basic respect, and courtesy. I do try to judge folks for myself, and not be swayed by some internetting bullshit. Not only that, but I remember your intro thread being relatively decent for someone your age. However in this case we have, at the very least, one person who says you were in, on, or whatever to their car, and regardless of how you remember it, man up, apologize about it, and be done with it. Someone opens my car door without my expressed permission I assume they are trying to steal from me. That would not be a very good situation.
Back to the lecture at hand, even fail of fucktastic proportions can be righted. The only reason I am not calling you a complete and total fucking moron is solely due to your age, which predispositions you to moronic shit anyway. How ? Chill the fuck out, don't attract so much awful attention. Respect others stuff, like you want your stuff respected, and let's not interject with an opinion on every possible topic, or criticism. Of course, what the fuck do I know anyway?
Unless this is some clever ruse(actually take back the clever part), and now I look like an idiot. In which case fuck all you guys.