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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. I'm all in.... as in tired. The smell of fresh coffee woke me up. Had a good time even though I was still recuperating from a lovely sinus infection that was still working on me. Grats to Chad for sure in making a strong come back and for giving me the opportunity to chop the pot. Even though I was very low stack I was being stubborn and wanted to be the winner,hoping I could double up on one good hand to have a shot at it. The jackpot was not a big concern, I just wanted that first place. Hats off to Mark for his hospitality and nice meeting all you crazies.
  2. Try your local credit union. They are more flexible .
  3. Such a broad statement without knowing all the circumstances .
  4. The more you make the more you spend. Um, now I know why i don't have that new ZR1 in the garage.
  5. "Some will do the grub, aeration or other things on separate trips" and they will charge you for that on top of the normal apps. Don't get me started on the aeration scam. I disagree on the 6 apps. It is overkill in my opinion just to feed the pockets of the installer. Will it hurt the lawn no, as long as it is applied at the right time. You could even go for 7 for that matter. I could push 7 on my customers if I wanted to be greedy and just lessen the rate of product going down on each app. I would rather just sell the customer only what they need. My 5 app program has everything a yard would need. I even include grub control at no charge in that 5 app program. If this rain would ever stop I might get some work done.
  6. They just push the apps or their visits closer togather. They are a greedy bunch just like some car repairs shops that want to sell you more then you need. Some ,well most will push lawn aeration/core plugging. Most yards do not need this. 5 apps max is all you need if you do it right.
  7. Wow 7 apps man I remember when I first started out we had a 4 app program that did a good job. Then it went to 5. The 5th was known as late fall to keep your yard going thru the winter. Then came 6, then 7. I bet some even push 8.
  8. First off how can they evaluate your yards condition and tell you what it needs with out looking at it ? 110 for 2 acres of grass is a good price. Put them on the spot and ask them exactly what they will be doing on each application. You do not need 6 apps. 4-5 apps is sufficient if they are puttting down the right stuff at the correct time. Lawn companies nowadays are over selling and pushing customers on 6-7 apps just to make the $$$ . I see it everyday and it gets worse every year. Pm me what they say and I will give you my opinion. 2 acres is more then I would want to do since I do not have a stand on power spreader.
  9. Some heat, some wrenching and the job is done. Simple 45 minute job. Like I said that place that wanted 160 was making it more then it was. Glad he got it done and for a very fair price.
  10. It's my Birthday to boot. Yea !!!!
  11. BrianZ06


    I found my loaded champion on armslist bought it from a local. There is a gi on the site right now for 450.
  12. I have my set of original Z06 tires and wheels that have been stored in a garage and plastic over them for probably 7-8 years. They look like new still with 5000 miles on them but I'm not sure I would want to use them. The hot sun is probably a stored tires worst enemy.
  13. Torch for heat yes but cutting torch to cut bolt no. Yes I have heated up many rusty parts and it does help sometimes. I just have a gut feeling they are taking him for a ride and making it sounds like a hard job for them to do when it is not.
  14. I have never seen where you have to use a cutting torch on a brake caliper bolt. I have broke some nasty one's loose with spray and a breaker bar.
  15. That is ridiculous shit. That's what it is. If I was not so backed up right now because of the rain and he was close enough I would help him out. I hate to see someone taken advantage of that is having a hard enough time as it is. 160 labor and his parts for one wheel. What a joke. A shop with all the tools at hand will do this in 45 minutes with a coffee break.
  16. I'm ready to make an offer. Low maintenance to boot.
  17. Thanks for the input. I actually took the o2 sensor out of the converter and drove it and it was the same. I read some where that dirty injectors can cause a bad bog down and I guess the fuel filter is in the tank only. I will look into it more tomorrow.
  18. Funny you say that Im thinking the tranny is not the real problem also. The cat converter is new but the muffler is very old. I checked the air flow out the pipe using the official redneck method with my hand when someone gave it a little gas and and more pressure did come out. Im sure this method is not very accurate. Is there way to test air flow out an exhaust. Fuel related problem did not come to mind. Dirty fuel filter ?
  19. Bogs down and pretty much does nothing. I have owned a few slipping trannys and this is not the same.
  20. BrianZ06

    CR Poker

    No I still have a little left >
  21. The new PCM fixed the stalling problem. I now have a tranny issue. This is a 97 with the 4.0 and 150,000 miles. If I drive it slow and easy it will go thru all gears fine. Soon as I get on it to go around someone or just want to take off harder it loses power. It seems like it does not want to go when you make it down shift. Does this sound like a torque converter problem. Fluid is good. I don't mind taking it some where for an honest opinion but where ? There are so many little electronic parts on this that is driving me crazy. Who has a a tranny code analyzer ?
  22. Thanks I needed one today so I bought an autozone preflashed and it fixed the stalling. JCJ sounded like it would have been a good choice, I just saw the reply to late. I now have a new problem. This thing is starting to be a big headach.
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