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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Steve Vai Crossroads San-Ho-Zay Led Zeppelin Buddy Guy Eric Johnson Michael Lee Firkins Joe Satriani Jeff Beck/Hendrix Eric Clapton/Jimmy Page White Stripes, its different ? It just played Stuck in the middle with you (Stealers Wheel) good old song. Then it went to this Joker & the Thief ( Wolfmother) where did that come from ? and Johnny Cash. That's a mix.
  2. Yes just heard about it and it was a car jacking at tuttle mall lot. The car jackers shot the women after they drove somewhere and got out of the car. Not much info in yet I guess. You would not think about car jacking in this area, just goes to show you it can happen anywhere.
  3. This just happend so not much info is available right now. Has anyone heard about this yet ? I was curious where exactly the loacation was. Dublin Police Investigating Woman's Shooting Death Sunday, December 26, 2010 6:58 PM WBNS-10TV Print StoryE-mail StoryDUBLIN, Ohio — Police were investigating the circumstances surrounding a woman's shooting death on Sunday evening. According to Dublin police, a woman suffering from a gunshot wound was brought to Dublin Methodist Hospital by her husband shortly after 6 p.m., 10TV News reported. She later died of her wounds, police said. Her identity was not immediately released. Police were investigating the possibility that the woman was shot during a robbery, 10TV News reported. No additional information was available. Watch 10TV News and refresh 10TV.com for the latest information.
  4. Where it is warm with a lot of white sand and good fishing.
  5. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/December2009FloridaVacation003.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030399.jpg
  6. BrianZ06

    Gun pulled

    I have watched the sawmill area grow from a couple house developments and farm fields to be coming a higher class morse rd. It will only get worse.
  7. BrianZ06

    Gun pulled

    The above is 100% correct.
  8. BrianZ06

    Favorite rootbeer?

    That's a lot of coke. I use to drink a lot of pop also so I know. I'm down to 1-2 a day. I do like good rootbeer. I'm on a gingerale kick right now.
  9. Walt's sounds good. I'm visiting with inlaws in Winterhaven,then heading down towards Miami to visit some friends. Whats some more seafood restaurants that everyone has been to along the coast for me and the original poster check out. I like the little hole in the wall type. Crab cakes,Clams,Shrimp Im getting hungry here. Seafood buffet would be the ultimate. It's been so long I don't remember but I stopped at a great seafood buffet but cant remember the name.
  10. There you go my dobe was the best security system money could buy,well almost. Now its a different story.
  11. Keep it simple = Glock 45 with some nice jhp ammo. One other thing before you rely 100% on your new gun go out and shoot the hell out of it ,clean it and then tuck it away.
  12. BrianZ06

    Gun pulled

    How many times has the CVS been robbed at sawmill and hard ? If I remember at least 2-3 already.
  13. BrianZ06

    Gun pulled

    she said it was an accident I remember living in Dublin off Sawmill when there were no shopping malls on Sawmill road all farm land. That place is slowing becoming the next morse road. It will take a while but its getting there. Glad I live in the sticks now.
  14. BrianZ06

    Gun pulled

    I grew up in Dublin and I never would have thought someting like this would happen in this area but the exact area you are talking about is most likely where all the apartments are ,correct ? Time are changing and so are some of the people in these area's. I would be curious to know what road or roads this was on.
  15. He wants the car for sure. As far as the taxes why give him that break if you already came down that much.
  16. I was there it was a nice place to eat outside . When I was there it was packed with lambos,ferraris,austin martins,bmw's,etc driving around the circle like a car cruise. I stood out good in the vette with long tubes and a big cam. The bridge from sarasota to armonds circle was fun I'm leaving after the first of year for a month or so. All the places above sound good. Florida was the first vacation long time ago for the wife and I. We stayed around clearwater in a small motel on the beach owned by a german couple who came out and chatted with us all the time. It was like our own little private beach. It was so long ago I can't remember the name.
  17. BrianZ06

    new dog

    I took care of my neighbors for a while and he was huge . I remember him always slobbering and drooling on me, so be ready for that . Nice dog though.
  18. A couple years I had a real nice 8hp craftsman,electric start. It was given to me by my father in law. The first time I used it I had my new jeep cherokee special edition sitting outside and the this blower picked up a rock and thru it probably 50 feet and it hit the door, talk about being pissed off. Never used one since.
  19. You can use a snow blower on gravel but its a bitch when you hit a low area and it throws you off track and starts throwing gravel. My 4x4 truck goes thru just about anything now that I got some new tires so I really don't worry to much about it. I get huge drifts along my whole property becuase of the open fields around me. Last year I had some 3 foot drifts now that was pretty bad.
  20. Then I should have a shit load of it . I have a 200 ft gravel drive that a snow blower can not be used on. I keep telling my self every year that Im going to buy a quad and put a plow on it but just can not justify spending that much on something that will sit in a garage all year waiting on a snow storm.
  21. Some of those pics would make nice christmas cards photos ,the one with the large pine tree is a keeper. My softer side just came out
  22. Listen to me here I'm talking like I'm some expert on home repair which I'm not . I just have a lot of hands on experience from remodeling my old house that was built in 57.
  23. Every situation is different. You don't want raw tile edges showing anywhere. That's why you use the aluminum edging.
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