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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Looking for one for my Mom. She has talking about one so I thought someone here might have one . Im not sure she will use it much so a used would be best over new. I know there are tons on craigslist but thought I would give this a shot first.
  2. I will take my purified filtered well water over city anyday . No water bill is a plus also.
  3. I just made my own using pvc pipe for a temporary fix. I made go above the pitch of the roof. I cant remember for sure if I have had the smell come after that or not. I know its been a while though and Im not missing it.
  4. Funny I have had this problem a few times. I think it might have something to do with a downdraft of wind hitting the outside exhaust gasses vent pipe. Do you live in a older home or in a low area ? I added an extension onto the pipe and I think it helped. We still dont know what caused our smell but it went away and its been a long time since it has come back.
  5. Scotty where are you ? Would you happen to have a springfiled armory for sale ? I know you would like to have a gold cup national match,lol.
  6. I don't need to learn anything about them. I have had plenty in the past. Including gold cups and so on. Im just on a search for one right now.
  7. Springfield or Colt . Full Size or Commander. Basic A1 or custom. Just thought I would make a post to see if anyone here has one to sell or can lead me to one. Prefer used over new.
  8. My WS6 never had one and neither will the vette. Lucky so far I guess and willing to pay the fine if it happens.
  9. I was visiting my Grandfather last night and he had to show me some new toys. Here's just a few pics. Phone pics are not that great. Browning High Power , Belgium made and assembled. Dated 69 T series, Mint Cond. You wont find nicer bluing. Pics do not show how nice this gun is. Also had a C series just has nice. I owned one a while back that was made in 76 candian model. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwOTAuanBn-2-1.jpg Beretta Model 76 Target made between 1971 and 1985 This one is very early with the original box and import tag from Italy . Mint Cond also. This guns fit your hand like a glove. This would be fun and inexpensive to shoot. Thinking about picking this one up. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwNzkuanBn-2-1.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwODIuanBn.jpg Remington 1100 Sporting 28 ga. vented rib,gold trigger,unbelievable wood and sharp checkering. Lightweight at 6.5 pounds. I have owned a few 1100's but never a 28ga. Always wanted one. This one is just perfect. Also has an extra 20ga barrel. This gun is still being made today at the Remington custom shop. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwOTEuanBn.jpg Bad glare but you see how nice the wood is http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwOTIuanBn.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/utf-8BSU1BRzAwOTUuanBn.jpg
  10. NO , 12 Volt adapter, which is necessary to disable the lock before installing the bypass box. Here is a little more info. http://97vette.com/howto/columnlock/index.html
  11. Was that a real cobra ???? 56 150 handyman 2 door wagon. Im still working on getting it back. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/56handyman.jpg
  12. I installed this one here from > http://www.adaptiveperformance.com/CLB.htm
  13. Column lock bypass was the first thing I did to mine. You wont have to worry about it after you install it. Im surprised it never gave the owner before you a problem.
  14. I'll be watching on and off ,after the drive I just did it will be nice to watch someone else drive crazy. I dont have a favorite anymore. They are all about the same to me. I guess I like wathcing Dale Jr drive the most.
  15. Home Sweet Home. Got back yesterday. Have I missed anything exciting here,lol ??? I know I missed a lot of bad weather. It was weird being gone away from my home this long. We had a good time though. Spent a few days in the clearwater beach area. Ft Lauderdale was nice went their for 3 days. Nite life is good their. Live music outside and plenty of decent bars with happy hours. The vette treated me well with no problems and no tickets. 3544 miles added to the clock, I did a lot of cruising around down their. 28 mpg. A lot of stop go going thru Atlanta and a big accident that killed my gas milage and nerves. Saw plenty of stupid drivers. Coming home out of Atlanta I saw a Mustang with a huge hood coming up on me so he gets beside to show off I was smart and just let him go he almost lost it going between two cars. He must have thought I was going to follow him. Nothing like going almost 80 on the bypass to go with the flow and pass by the cops with no problems on a 55 road. It was like a nascar race. Saw a Bentley 2 door coming up behind me on that raod going in and out of traffic probably doing 90-100. He definitely knew the road and the traffic. I got me a new pioneer head unit for my car while I was their so I could listen to my pandora stations with my phone, I used that thing to death. O Well I / we got are fill of being lazy by the pool , beaches and partying and I will leave it at that.
  16. Today I just stayed around the house . Cleaned and detailed the car I know one thing for sure I would not own a black car down here because of the sand. After the washing I went a quick spirited drive to get some water off the wheel and brakes and pulled in the garage to see white sand all over the rear. Silver or white would be my choice. Waiting on a warmer day for better fishing. Going to Orlando tomorrow for shopping and dinner.
  17. 1035 miles and 28.3 average mpg . Mileage would have been better if not for driving 2 hours in the rain and Atlanta stop and go traffic . One close call will a flying shredding tire that hit my windshield lucky no damage and one idiot that changed lanes with out looking and almost caught me off guard. Over all a good drive.
  18. My destination and main stay is winterhaven,near orlando with the inlaws, Its FREE. Then I plan on going down to boca roton to visit some friends. No tickets for me. I had plenty of close calls last time. This time I will not play with a all blacked out dodge chalanger or hang with some crazy bikers on the way down. I will resist........ Cruise control set on 70-72. As far as the shop goes Im not worried. I have nosey neighbors . Im driving the big ticket item,lol. Well its big ticket to me at least.
  19. I would have left earlier but I need a perfect day of no bad weather in this car so tomorrow it is. For everyone who hates on florida I will be try to post pics Going to try to get some fishing in this time. My brother in law said he has been catching grouper off the pier. My luck I will catch a shark.
  20. Spring time for sure and no more porch bbk's for me.
  21. That gave me a big LOL ^ I was actually going to say be carefull but did not want to jinx him. This also brings back a bad memory with a gas grill and front porch.
  22. keep it held in for a minute before turning to on position.
  23. if its like my gas wall heater in my garage it will take a while to get the gas to go thru the line so it will ignite. You have to push all the air out before it will ignite. This is what happens to mine when it sits spring/summer/fall. One of those long reach igniters are handy in these situations also.
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