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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. In all seriousness I could not recommend an echo trimmer because I have not owned a line trimmer by them. The Echo products I have owned just did not seem to be as reliable as others. That Redmax for 210 will be very hard to beat. What model # is it.
  2. no worries, I prefer a good fish samich anyway.
  3. I can't believe you are actually getting legit replies.
  4. Your to funny. Maybe we need a Help me pick area on cr.
  5. It has to be the pcm. I have changed or replaced everything else. Then one day I read about the pcm connectors and played around with them being able to make it stumble and almost die. I cleaned them up tightend them down and thought I fixed the problem untill yesterday when it started to die again,that is when I tapped on the pcm body and made it die. Sounds like a new pcm will take care of it. I found this one here. I think I can get it for 199 shipped and feedback looks good for it's worth. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1996-1997-1998-Jeep-Grand-Cherokee-COMPUTER-ECM-PCM-ECU-/110428283202
  6. Ok I just got thru replacing the water pump,t-stat, and a new radiator. Not a fun job but anyway the jeep stalls when ever it feels like it. It does this maybe once a week or everyday. Now the question if I tap on the pcm I can make it die and stumble. I unplugged the connectors and cleaned them and installed some dialectic grease and this worked for a couple weeks but now it's back to the same problem. New pcm or ?????? Im stumped.
  7. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/Z9622FSHZ9151BK.jpg
  8. I would not buy either one of those. Buy in this order Redmax,Stihl,Echo. I use this stuff everyday and have tried them all. Get a well known commercial brand and buy the lightest and smallest engine that they offer it help bring the price down but yet it will still be plenty strong for a home owner. I have owned half a dozen redmax line trimmers. The last one I bought was their lowest grade commercial. It is going on 2 years everyday usage and still starts on the second pull and runs strong. I also have 3 redmax hedger trimmers that still run strong after 7 + years of use and one redmax back pack blower that is 10 years old.It is a little more money but it will be the last trimmer you buy.
  9. No, my business is mostly in the Dublin/Arlington surrounding area's.
  10. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1488.jpg
  11. Just picture in your head an old mercedes that mommy or daddy gave their kid to drive when going to college. It's a 50 footer.
  12. car pics doable, hot chick pics not happening.
  13. never really liked vodka much. Seagrams/ with a shot of Amarito and ginger ale is one I like. Crown Royal or Southern Comfort on the rocks is better then Maker Mark,that stuff is just to harsh for what it cost.I'm on a Guinness draught beer kick right now.
  14. I might post some pics tomorrow. It is all one color with a few small dents.
  15. It never existed as far as I'm concerned. We know what is on your mind now.
  16. Ok I fixed that for you because Im a nice guy.
  17. No it is gas. The leather interior is in real nice shape. The body is fair, but I can't complain.
  18. Tired and not caring about good grammar
  19. See it does pay off to be a nice guy. One of my customers said she needed to get rid of her old 95 320 Mercedes Benz. It is no show car but it runs and drives like new. She said she has put 10k into it over the past few years for repairs,probably dealer. This lady is super nice and I try to help her out around the house as much as I can, since she lost her husband. She has a new mercedes so this one just sits and she need the garage space to put her old packard that she just had redone in. It was her husbands baby and she had it fixed for her daughter to drive in her wedding. I asked her how much she wanted for the Mercedes because my daughters jeep just broke down (water pump). What a pain in the ass job and Im going to install a new radiator while I'm at it. Anyway, I told her I would like to have the car for a back up. She said I will donate it to you for everything you have done for me. This lady is a real riot. I was on her yard today trying to get a blue spruce tree back in the ground from the wind uprooting it. She really wanted to save that tree. It was a bit of a battle doing this. The customer came out while I was just finishing up. I was speaking some of that french language trying to get some rope out of the tree. She came out and my wife who works with me jokingly said, don't say any bad words. The customer said, " how is it going", and I said, "ok it was not an easy job", so she says, "it was a bitch, right". I thought that was funny since I was trying to keep my language clean!
  20. BrianZ06

    CR Poker

    I was going to play but Im busy on the 7th. Count me in next time. Unless I make a late appearance. You guys got lucky, had to say that,lol.
  21. I remember shooting the Ruger SR9 it feels nice in the hand and shoots nice as well. Off to work now so I can buy me a Ruger.
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