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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Thanks everyone ! Time flies thats for sure. Things do seem a little different now after everything. Happy and sad at the same time. Just the two of us again. Kind of like starting all over but just a little older now. Some things dont change though my wife has been helping with her laundry when she brings it back home since they do not have there own washer and dryer and I still have the job of keeping up with her car repairs,lol.
  2. Thanks ! and that is my daughter to a tee, she wears the pants if you know what I mean. He is a good guy though and he knows is modern muscle cars better then me and I thought I knew it all
  3. Well I did not fall or trip on my own two feet. I was actually trying not to step on my daughters dress and looking down a lot. Im not very photojenic . Ofcourse I was a nervous wreck but tried to hide it. All in all it went great.
  4. This is what you have to look forward to. My daughters wedding .Where as time gone. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/40128_437673676722_126772451722_5859922_1800051_n-1.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/33657_437673841722_126772451722_5859927_1194064_n.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/65756_4376 http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/65756_437673476722_126772451722_5859916_953993_n.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/68721_437675326722_126772451722_5859947_1092285_n.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/KaylaandCarrieWedding.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/weddingcake.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/33662_437675766722_126772451722_5859958_7263314_n.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/69796_437673286722_126772451722_5859908_7099061_n.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/68334_437674166722_126772451722_5859934_2513487_n.jpg
  5. BrianZ06

    LSx Trade?

    You know you want it. That car is pretty close to what I have,same exact cam except I have TEA/Trickflow heads and kooks headers. The vette is much more user friendly, I hate that word user friendly,lol but it is true compared to your cobra and Im sure you are already aware of all this. Before I bought mine I looked at a lot of built cobras it was the dyno numbers that almost drew me into one. Better street manners,better gas milage and probably more reliable for long trips = vette/Z06.
  6. Ok thats what I needed to know, Thanks !
  7. Any help is appreciated, my daughter is getting married in a few days and I need to get a few pictures better or in a higher resolution so that they can be blown up and not get distorted. Can anyone help me with this or is it possible. I have the picture on my computer right now.
  8. That looks like play to me so if thats the case it would be great. My neighbor has that exact looking truck. I like em.
  9. If you drove that 6 speed in town everyday with a trailer behind it would get old fast. Maybe that just me. Some might like it I guess. All depends on what the truck is used for I suppose.
  10. Sounds like something I would have done a few years back.I say go for it if you have the time and just dont be in a hurry to get back. Good tires,brakes , serpentine belt,etc ???
  11. I would always prefer an auto in a work truck. I could just amagine my truck with a manual it would just add that much work to my work day. Work > http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_0981.jpg Play > http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/IMG_0046Large.jpg
  12. full cord of pine ? why would you want to burn pine. it sparks it has sap and it is not good for the fireplace. I can see putting a piece in maybe with some oak or maple but by itself,no way.
  13. Im going to try to make it out.
  14. I wont make it,to much going on. Have a Rax for me someone.
  15. Rax Roast Beef ? Holy Cow I thought they were all gone. They were one of the best fast food joints around. I remember one being in Grandview when I was a little younger. Not sure if they are still the same quality but hey they have to be better the Arby's. Im in if nothing else comes up. If I meet you all at tuttle we will be practically passing by my home on the way. I will either meet at tuttle/do some shoppping or blend in with you at 33/36. 33 is a very nice drive out that way.
  16. I have a ventless propane wall heater that works very nice. It has 3 burner settings, radiant heat no blower it heats up my 2 car on single burner when its in the 20-30 degree temp just fine and its very safe to leave on all the time. You would have to plum it into your natual gas source or propane.
  17. He bought it and it is his now. No warranty was given. Be done with it.
  18. You kids worry to much,LOL. Try 47. I actually still feel like Im in my 20's. No gray hair,daughter is getting married in a month. Mini vans ? Never...
  19. I have two 36" walk behinds and only need one. I have always had two of everything for back ups but I just do not use this enough to justify keeping it. It is around 6-7 years old,very solid not rusty, newer kawasaki 12.5 engine, new spindle bearings,tires are very good, extra belts,blades and tires. New replacement cost is around 3000.00 I would like 950.00 . I know now is not a good time to sell a mower and spring time I could sell it pretty easy but I would really like to sell before winter hits so I do not have to store it away. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1046.jpg
  20. Im always in the sawmill/dublin area he will be found. Not cool at all.
  21. Not finished with the job yet so I dont know for sure how much I will have. Will find out in a week or so if it will be enough to make it worth the trip. If not I will give it to someone who is collecting it up. I remember a place in Delaware that takes scrap metal.
  22. BrianZ06

    scrap copper

    I have a nice pile of electrical house wires after cleaning up my house wiring. I got rid of a lot of dead wires from old exsisting base board heaters and some heavy 220 furnance wires. I dont know if its worth making the trip to a place that buys this stuff and where and what is it going for since its not bare copper.
  23. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1068.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1069.jpg My favorite http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1072.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1071.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1070.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1073.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1076.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1075.jpg
  24. I stopped over around 3:00 because I was only 5 minutes away. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1061.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1059.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1063.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1064.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1060.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1066.jpg
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