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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Ok well they are not real cars ofcourse. I just remembered having these. I collected these a long time ago. Redline hotwheels. They are around 40 years old. I have a few more. Does anyone else have any of these old ones laying around. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1185.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1189.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1190.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1191.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1194.jpg
  2. Nice upgrade. Love that color. Wish they offered that color on a C5 Z06. Wheels look good also. Wheels look similar to mine but I have a polished outer lip.
  3. That is the ultimate street car. I want one.
  4. After reading all the replies I believe I fall into this category since I have not taken my car to the track. Im not even sure if I will. I have to much fun with it on the street. "Street Car" = You can drive it on long trips 2000+ miles which I will be soon. Must be rain friendly, Must be able to handle the curves without white knuckling the wheel, Mid 11's with drag radials! should be better, 30 mpg when I drive granny style with the ac ,cruise control, and a full sound system playing with amps and sub box. There are many cars like this on the road and on this forum. I think most all vipers,vettes,lambos,f body's, some benz,a few mustangs ,etc will fall in this category.
  5. I think I have NGK's in just about everything I own now including lawn mowers and blowers. The plugs must have helped, no miss or stumble now.
  6. Only the best for my GM Truck http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1156.jpg Wait !!! Made in China !!! SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1171.jpg VERY SAD
  7. For a day off work you kept busy. Tomorrow is another day.
  8. How are Denso compared to NGK's. I put NGK's in at a 60 gap. Will see tomorrow what a differance this plug change did. Im hoping like night and day from the look of the old ones. You think that is just normal wear from being in to long. White/ lots of corrosion build up and a little burned look.
  9. see how this picture looks here. having a hard time taking a good pic of this. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1149.jpg
  10. Job is DONE with no bloody cuts. Time for a drink. Does GM use anything other then ac delco from the factory ? I pulled out some Denso's and they were very coroded with white corrosion. Looked like they were very hot and lean if Im reading the plug correctly. I will try to get a picture posted. I bought this truck with 60,000 miles and have put about 50,000 on it. Its always ran great but latley when getting on the gas under a load with my trailer I can feel a very small miss. These plugs had to be the culprit.
  11. I will thanks. I got one more off this way. Man this should not be this hard. My plugs were shot to hell thats for sure. I have neglected the basic maintenance on this truck this year.
  12. Thanks, I tried both of those ways. It all comes down to leverage and I can not amagine the tool you buy would do any good because of the tight area. So after thinking about going out and buying the tool, I decided to try some something home made needle nose channel locks and a strip of wood for the leverage and I got one off,now for the rest. I have all day and it might just take all day. These are really tight on here. Here is my invention. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/landscapepics084.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/landscapepics085-1.jpg
  13. What the hell is GM thinking here. Are they super glued on ? I mean I have changed plenty of plugs and wires in my day. Is the plug wire removal tool really going to do the job here when I give it all I have and wont yank off. I removed it from the coil first to help me get a good hold but still no luck.
  14. BrianZ06

    Go vote!

    AMEN to the above. Now I need to get off my ass and get to work today because if I don't I will not have the right to bitch about the lazy asses that do not work and just collect checks from the gov.
  15. BrianZ06

    Go vote!

    Forgot one > If you don't have a fast car you give up the right to have custom plates like 2FST4U
  16. BrianZ06

    Go vote!

    Opinion,Fact,Statement or just whatever you know what I mean. Ofcourse everyone has the right to express their 1st amendment but why give input one way or another if you have not contributed to the voting process. Just does not make sense to complain about something that you have not tried to change. You are right though it is not a law.
  17. BrianZ06

    Go vote!

    The fact is if you do not vote you do not have the right to bitch, and yes I voted.
  18. someone has to much time on their hands or just plain nuts.
  19. Fire ring would be cool to see. Bad for business though when UA police and Fire show up.
  20. This yard is full of hickory and oaks. Im lucky the city takes them away from the curb. I filled the whole island completey around out front this time. Still not done they have a pool area that is fenced in and its covered also. I will do this at least one more time before the season is over. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1110.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1111.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1113.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1114.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1117.jpg
  21. Most realistic post so far. Saved me a lot of typing.
  22. Its a good thing I have to drive a truck everyday for work or I would be buying. This would look great in the garage next to the Z. Condition and some nice mods make this one stand out from the rest.
  23. My daughters 97 Grand Cherokee with 146,000 miles has been a great vehicle. It has developed a stalling problem it may drive fine on one trip but when you get back in it to start it up it might go a few feet and stall out/die. It starts back sometimes and sometimes not. The fuel pump as been tested and is good. Also replaced the crank sensor and ignition coil. It still does the samething but not on every drive. No codes. Im stumped. Anyone have a problem similialr or have a grand cherokee with a problem like this. It has the 4.0 engine and it runs great other then this problem.
  24. Work http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_0981.jpg Play http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/IMG_0012Large.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_0827-1.jpg
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