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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. I have a red top thats going on 2-3 years and I use a battery tender for the winter. Never had a problem.
  2. I just did a cc transfer from a chase cc to citi bank for 0% 12 month,no fees. 3% charge. After the 12 month is up it will still be almost 1% lower then the chase. By then there might be another deal to consider, and to the original poster pay off that cc.
  3. nothing in marysville, im not complaining.
  4. How ironic my younger brother who lives with my mom just got drunk tonight. Talk about drama. The last thing I heard out of his mouth just a few minutes ago was him calling me a dickhead. I really don't like talking about it much because this has gone on for way to long. Many night I have been up all night wondering what the hell is going at my moms house. With the passing of my dad and my brother moving in there going on his drinking rampages about every 2-3 weeks, Yes I have Drama and I know a little about it. So you are not alone. I guess almost everyone has some drama just some worse then others. It seems like when I put my foot down it just makes it worse. Hell I could start my own thread here and ramble on all night.
  5. No plow + Snow = NO FUN Plow + Snow = $$$ = FUN With that said I plowed snow for 15 years, gave it up a couple years ago and never looked back. So the hell with snow.
  6. BrianZ06

    New to CR

    Just move to Hawaii and make them all jealous. Welcome aboard.
  7. I have a friend who has one and I rode in it last week. Nice car all around. Add LS2 even better.
  8. on 0w40 euro ? I usually run Amsoil 5w40 but if I can stock up on the Mobil I might .
  9. I dont know all the flow# but I always told rect ports will loose bottom end torque and they like really high rpms to get the most out of them. How big of a big block ? Oval ports are better over all head for most applications. What is this motor you are putting these on. Single plane intake or dual plane ? A while back I had a 56 chevy, 427,team g single plane,950hp holley and rect ports. It ran good but I would of have changed to oval ports for the street/toy if I kept it.
  10. Buy a Zoeller and forget about all those problems. My ridgid never stoped running the first day I bought it and it was noisy.
  11. I have the same one. Ridged is junk. I went thru 2 of them. Then got smart went to worleys in Delaware and bought my Zoeller. Hey its made in Kentucky so it has to be good. These things are nicely made and very quiet.
  12. I just found this auction. There is some cool car related items here. I would not mind going but I'm sure it will all bring top $ but you never know. I would like to have some of the signs/clocks for my garage wall and few other items got my eye. Its around 80 miles from where I 'm at in Marysville. http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/photopanel.cgi?listingid=994392&noval=0&feed=0&dwt=5&page=1 http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionview.cgi?lid=994392 http://maps.yahoo.com/map?q1=722%20SO.%20FRANKLIN%20ST%20-%20RT.%20122%20EA.%20EATON%2C%20OH&mag=5&ard=1#mvt=m&lat=39.990145&lon=-84.001455&mag=5&zoom=10&q1=marysville%2Cohio&q2=722%20SO.%20FRANKLIN%20ST%20-%20RT.%20122%20EA.%20EATON%2C%20OH
  13. I just got a bad flash back. I know all to well what can happen if you do not have a functioning sump pump. I now have the best you can buy but I need a back up for peace of mind.
  14. I think she is getting ripped right now with time warner at 94.55 just for the standard cable package. Her bill previously was 87.15. Two TV's. I guess they have a basic,standard and a premium package deal. Also what is this 7.99 charge a month for a HD converter ?????
  15. Sounds good to me. I will talk to her tonight to see what she is interested in.
  16. So far Time Warner for 84.90 with no turbo/ digital hd package is the best so far. 200 channels.
  17. who do you have and what do you pay, just curious for the dublin area. My mom wants to get a laptop and get on the internet. In marysville where I live I can not do a bundle package deal. I have to have a dish for cable and verizon is my internet provider.
  18. Dam that does not even look real. Could you amagine seeing that out your front door. I took these off my front porch a while back. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2057.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2058.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2059.jpg
  19. Do want > http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2008-Jeep-Wrangler-Rubicon-Dana-60-Rock-Jocks-40s-/150522174204?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item230bd21afc
  20. little pricey, I would rather build my own from scratch using a Jeep Wrangler four-door Rubicon for a platform and have all the bells and whistles.
  21. Thats going to hurt. What were you driving ?
  22. A high school friend has one of these and they ride and handle good for being how big they are. Worth it imo.
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