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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. I would like mine with plastic/fiberglass hood/fenders and doors. The lightweight model package. Light weight wheels also. Those big wheels have to be heavy.
  2. I have looked around with no luck. In the state of Ohio is it a law that if you run a commercial business you have to advertise your name on the side of your truck or what ever your drive. Not that I will even if it is. I have been pulling a 6x16 tandom axle trailer for over 20 years and never thought about this untill I read about someone in another state TN saying they had to. I do have commercial plates on my truck and trailer both. Just curious.
  3. Decisions Decisions. Im in no rush just shopping around. Probably going with inc but who knows. This is almost like buying a new TV. Just cheaper.
  4. The color combo is ok,but the wheels look cheap. Black with black insides would be better..
  5. I am thinking about getting a Droid incredible or Droid 2. Who has one ? I need to move up and get with the times,lol. What else compares to these.
  6. I might be using my Buck Stove a little more this season, even though I hate messing with the loading and cleaning it works damm good and the heat is a very hot temp.
  7. What brand and specs is that one ? I hate TV shopping. Iam also in the market for a 46 ,50. No rush though what I have still works but it is old and wont be around much longer.
  8. I don't know. All these car related shows seem to be just full of non realistic projects. I really dont care to see someone restore a shelby convertible, or some million dollor collector car that will sit in a garage all its life. Im sure I will watch it though it if it is car related to see what it is all about. I use to be a mustang guy. Proof of it below . Probably taken in 82 -83 http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/meandMach1.jpg
  9. Some people have wine cellars. I think this guy had a beer cellar.
  10. That is cheap. Who do you have ? Electric heat would kill me and my wallet. I just put in a new 95% gas furnance and replaced an old 15+ year old unit, so I can not wait to see how much I will be saving.
  11. Its coming back to me to now. I remember one of them being an Imperial Stout . What ever they were I do remember reading the alcohol content and they did say anywhere from 8-10% and yes I was a light weight that night after having four or more on an empty stomach.
  12. Omaha is fun ,little more thinking involved over holdem. Anyone can play holdem but Omaha takes more skill ( imo).
  13. I just found this site it might help. http://www.energyshop.com/es/prices/OH/gasOH.cfm?ldc_id=317
  14. who do you have ? what do you pay ccf ?
  15. What are you paying ? and how do you compare. My mom thinks she is paying way to much and would like to compare rates and I do not know where to start since I have propane.
  16. You ever play high low stud ?
  17. Lately I have been just playing tourney's with my FFP. This is something I do usually when the wife is doing her thing and Im home alone with a good drink.
  18. I play poker stars. The tourney's are the best to play though. I have won big and lost big. Not to long I played a tourney with some of you here. I came out on top on that one. Im ready for another. Im not sure who got it started up. Online casino's ??? I have tried a few and they all suck. Never play black jack on line. If its play money I always come out ahead but real cash is just the opposite.
  19. If I remember right this is pretty high potent beer. Last year one of my customers wanted me to hang out on his deck for some beers and snacks after helping him carry a new grill to his deck. Some of these beers were 8-10%. Im pretty sure it was these. He travels a lot and buys beer from everywhere he goes. I remember one of them rouge, some great lakes, and yuenglings. They kicked my ass it was my last job for the day and not much in my stomach. He did bring a chese ball and some crackers out. I have some good customers,LOL. I like dark beers the best but I usually nurse my beer.
  20. I know nothing about taking pictures and cameras I just wanted to take some pics of the flowers in our yard last year using an old Kodak Easy Share . http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1819.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1818.jpg Nasty Storm pics from a few years ago. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2057.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2058.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_2059.jpg
  21. Not even close. Far from it Actually the more I look at it the more I like it. The center exhaust is not my choice though.
  22. Has anyone else had a problem with new bulbs not sealing in the sockets tight and snug. I bought some new sylvania 1157's for the front turn signals on our altima and they go in but they are loose and when I compared them to my old ones brand unknown I can see the contact points on the old ones are much bigger then the new ones. Is there a better brand then sylvania. I though maybe my bulb sockets were worn but the old ones are pretty snug compared to these new ones. The new ones are so loose they make a bad connection which makes the blinker go crazy fast.
  23. A little over kill. Also needs more rubber on those wide wheels.
  24. Yep I win:D still a bad ass bike that would look good next to my cars.
  25. They do have some sentimental value. These are some of my collection that I remember playing with when I was a kid,only a few years ago,lol. This was when kids actually went outside to play and ride bikes. I remember the blue duster being my favorite. I do have an alive 55 red my old 1998 price guide says it starts at 175 if I remember right and it is pretty clean,but now days nothing like this is selling with the economy the way it is. Those days are long gone so I will just keep them all and make a display in my garage with some old car related collectables.
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