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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. BrianZ06

    Poker Night #2

    Hey if you are having a bad run right now play a sit and go turbo tourney. I do that sometimes when the tables are being rough on me. Just a thought.
  2. BrianZ06

    Poker Night #2

    Ok well then you did do pretty good then if you only started 8 bucks. I just sit on a limit table a few minutes ago and almost doubled my buy in with only playing 3 hands. I had pockets Qs and hit another Q on the flop then the board paired up to boot. The only think I dont like is it seems hard to out bet your component. Everyone just keeps calling. Im so use to no limit but then again it is less risky. It works both ways I guess.
  3. BrianZ06

    Poker Night #2

    I have only played the pot limit a couple of times. Yes always cash some out. I have a hard time doing that,lol. Anyone here play Hi Lo Omaha ?
  4. BrianZ06

    Poker Night #2

    That was a great comeback but how were you able to sit down on the 50/1.00 table with only 8 bucks ? or am I reading it wrong. The .50/1.00 table has a 20.00 and 50.00 min buy in. I had fun and was really down on chips when it came down to the final 3. I was surprized at the comeback I made from being 3rd and low stack. I had a nice flush on the turn that helped a little. You guys played a good game. I am in for sure on the next one. The 12 midinight one was just to late for me last night. Who was it here that I was heads up with ?
  5. Z06 - Yes 4XX 2500HD 4x4 8.1 , It's possible ? Altima,LOL
  6. This brings back a memory of when my large dobe ate a whole box of rat poison we had hidden behind the furnace. He lived thru it. I gave him a large table spoon of salt so he would throw it up. The same dog stepped on a large rusty eye hook and it went thru his foot. He also went thru a glass window once by accident. He was a tough one for sure. Pets are a lot of work.
  7. Thats one thing I like is to chat while playing. It gets a little boring playing on line sometimes. I find myself talking to the computer and my wife just noods her head back and forth,lol. Yep there he goes again talking to himself.
  8. Ok I will probably just register closer to the start up time just in case something comes up. The last tourney I played it had 4000 plus and it was a 11$ rebuy, I won a seat and made it to 180 with no reloading. I was worn out the next day it went half way thru the night 10k was 1st place I got like 80 bucks for being 180. I thought I was going to make the big bucks but all it takes is 1 bad hand or bad beat it was still fun.
  9. If you guys get another one going Im in.
  10. Im at my inlaws,dont work for scott's. Self employed in the lawn business. I mow a lot of grass,lol.
  11. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030406.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030402.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030403-1.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030399.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/P1030400.jpg
  12. I would love to see what kind of time I could get but with 18's and a stock clutch and no tranny brace I would be be breaking something or just spinning all over. I got this car for mainly a cruiser and for some street fun
  13. I just got down here and I got 28 mpg in a head/cam Z06 I was hoping to get at least 25. I even played with a couple nice sport bikes for a couple miles ,dam those guys are crazy. and a dodge chalenger traveled with me for a while,silver with blacked out front and rear lights and black rims,looked pretty cool going down the road. New camaros are all over down here.It was a nice drive untill I hit atlanta traffic jam up. Just a little over 1000 miles and not one problem with the cruise set to 77 and the tach reading 1800-1900rpm. I might meet up with some locals while Im here and take some pics. These cars are meant to be driven thats for sure.
  14. Airquest just installed a new furnace and ac unit at my moms home and he gave us a good deal and the work all went well. I was just getting ready to make a post untill I saw this one.
  15. Seafoam works well if used correctly. Amsoil European 5W-40 and Castrol European GC is what I use. As long as your car does not have any bad leaks your good to go on the synthetic. You can mix and match whatever you like. Lots of guys make their own cocktail mix.
  16. BrianZ06


    I would still do it if we could work out some details. Im pretty busy with my work so I could not handle any of the holding of the money and ticket buying but I would throw a buck or 2 in if enough others would want to. Someone would have to start a paypal account or similiar to hold the money and to show proof of who actually bought the tickets or ticket.
  17. BrianZ06


    I agree ,after thinking about it you would want something to back up your ticket/money. Playing the lotto is such a longshot anyway your chances are slim to none.
  18. BrianZ06


    When do we start,lol ? Who will be charge ? Maybe a paypal account to hold the money .
  19. I have no idea. Wont know till next spring but Im sure I will make a lot of bad runs first time out. Never raced with a 6 speed before. What should a 450 ,460 rwhp Z06 run with some drag radials ? 11.5 @120 something like that maybe. These cars were made to run around curves . Im curious to know though .
  20. playboy channel and a bottle of wine or 2 ??? go on a small get a way trip,nice hotel maybe just to change the scenery.
  21. what a thread. ill say one thing for sure you have balls for posting this topic here. Im learning some new things here,lol.
  22. If that truck runs out good,drives straight,etc it is a very fair deal. I have an 02 2500 HD crew cab 4x4,8.1 with the allison trans and it has around the same miles and runs/drives like new still. Consider what a new one cost. Check it out good and offer him a little less ofcourse.
  23. Well after talking to Rob today we decided it might not be a bearing because the noise was not there today. He said it sounded more like a brake problem even though my brakes on this car are not that old. I checked the fronts and they looked good,then I got the back in the air and the rear drivers side turned freely but the pass was very hard to spin. I then looked at the pads and the pass were worn twice as much telling me that this problem has been like this for a while. It ended up being a froze up caliper piston stuck out to where it was putting constant pressure on the pads/rotor not good. So Im replacing both rear calipers/pads.I guess thats better then bad bearings which I was going to let Rob do that job.His price was very fair. I just want to say thanks to Rob not many mechanics will chat with you on the phone much about your car problems.
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