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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I don't share the same sentiment as you apparently when it comes to Musberger, honestly I remember a point in time where people said he was "too pro OSU" because he went to a B10 school... Holy Buckeye does make sense, it was a prayer of a play call and sounded much better than Holy Shit lol. Jack Arute reminds me of my childhood watching OSU games, so maybe that's why I like him. I can't honestly remember him saying anything bad about Ohio State
  2. I used to like Musberger, without him "Holy Buckeye" would not be a thing. I just feel as he got older, he got more influenced by his employers to spew their agenda. He is now on the SEC network I believe. I miss hearing guys like Jack Arute during games
  3. I like Keels on the radio, that dude should be on tv
  4. LOL http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/outkick-the-coverage/espn-recruiting-analyst-accidentally-tweets-pornhub-video-012115
  5. I believe my wife will be taking her camera. The best part about this thing is all the seating is in A and AA so you're close to the field. My brother in law has never been real big into football, until this post season haha. I think we have turned him into an Ohio State fan haha.
  6. I believe someone on here said he won't be able to throw at full capacity until August. That means he will have 2 weeks or so, to light up camp and earn the job back. I honestly feel he should move to WR, that is the best option for his career in my opinion. OSU released 2,500 field level tickets for this weekends celebration on ticket master...they were gone in under 20 seconds haha. Gonna be a whole lot of people there from the sounds of things. I have never been to a celebration, so not real sure what the event has in store.
  7. LOL http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/sec-football/danielson-love-affair-alabama-week12-2014/[/url And proof that they are horrible
  8. Goes to show that Danielson and his side kick Verne Lundquist really are two of the worst announcers in the game "Transcript of Gary Danielson on Finebaum before the Sugar Bowl.... Gary, which one of these matchups you looking forward to the most: Bama - Ohio State or Oregon - Florida State? What's the most intriguing to you? By far, for me, Florida State - Oregon. Listen, I think three of the teams, I would not be shocked, when this is over... If Oregon has the trophy, that wouldn't shock me. If Florida State repeats, that wouldn't shock me. If Alabama wins it, that wouldn't shock me. If Ohio State wins it, though, that's going to be a tough loss for Alabama, for the SEC. I just don't think this Ohio State team is ready to compete with the elites, and I think Alabama should beat them handily in this game. It's going to be close for a while, but I think they'll win going away. Let's get deep into that, Gary, because certainly you've got great knowledge of all teams, but Alabama in particular. Why do you think they should -- "should" being the operative word -- win handily? Of course. Yeah, there's always upsets. I just think that Ohio State's not ready for this yet. They're in the second, third year of rebuilding. They've got their third-string quarterback. I've watched Alabama for nine years now crush backup and inferior quarterbacks. You're either at quarterback position playing Alabama being able to read the intricate zone defenses, the combo defenses, the blitz packages. We always talk about how a football team's improving. Of course, Ohio State's had a fantastic year with what Urban's done with this team. But we always talk about improving teams. Some teams maybe started out 2-3 and ended up maybe 7-5. I thought Alabama from the start of this year to the end of this year might have been improved more than any team in college football. They've gotten much deeper in the defensive line, they've gotten much better at quarterback, they've got a feel for how Lane Kiffin likes to call plays and utilize their star football player(s?). I think their offensive line was a little bit of a weakness in the beginning of the year, but I think they got better as the season went on. I think the strength of the Ohio State football team is the defensive line. But the way Lane Kiffin coaches, the experience he's had against defensive lines in the SEC, I think he'll bring a good package. I was kind of chuckling, and I know it's part of our jobs. We have to get on TV and show what Ohio State might do to slow down Imari Cooper. This is what we do, and we have to come up with something. I saw the coaches coming up with a man-to-man combination zone package, kind of like a box-and-one. And I just kind of chuckled, because that might work OK against Texas A&M or West Virginia or Cal or somebody that throws the ball 60 times. But Alabama's going to line up Imari Cooper all over that field and then run it at you. And if you designated two and a half men just to cover Imari Cooper, they'll roll you in your running game. It's a very difficult matchup, and like I say, there's four or five or six players at Ohio State that could start for Alabama, but that's about it."
  9. We are going to the celebration this saturday at the horseshoe. My mother in law and brother in law have never been inside of the stadium, so this was a good excuse to go. I will continue to share stuff I read online between now and next season if it makes you guys feel better haha. I figured everyone was tired of football right now. I am not a fan of the NFL either, I may watch if there is nothing else on, used to watch the Browns hardcore, but even that is painful to do these days. I will be watching the superbowl though, commercials are the best.
  10. Pretty cool! Fwiw it'd been reported that Braxton is enrolled in spring class at osu
  11. I remember reading about members of seal team 6 suddenly dying after killing bin laden. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/07/25/house-panel-probing-chopper-crash-that-killed-seal-team-6-members/ Some stuff on the conspiracy http://patdollard.com/2013/02/conspiracychris-kyle-the-third-high-profile-firearms-business-owner-killed-in-past-month-along-with-30-seals-the-past-four-years/ I'm not here to say that his or anyones death was part of a larger scheme, but you never know...hell, some people seem to think Kyle is still alive and was spotted in Boston at the marathon bombing. I feel some stuff is covered up and other stuff is just wishful thinking by conspiracy theorist.
  12. Seth Rogan doesn't seem to be a fan of the movie either... In regards to Kyle's death, conspiracy theorist, believe it was a setup. Guy that does a lot of hush hush shit in the millirary, starts writing books about those things, next thing you know he's dead at the hands of a fellow armed service member?a I went and saw the movie once again yesterday with some family members, it was just as good as the first time I watched it. I was told that the end credits is in fact real footage of his funeral precession.
  13. Movie was great, had some really intense moments in it. We went to the Marcus off 23, $5 movie night and you get to sit in comfy recliner chairs, what more can you ask for? Also, after our showing it was eerily quiet as everyone walked out.
  14. "ESPN has it's early predictions out for next years playoffs. The Buckeyes have the most votes (36 out of 37 "experts" picked them, only some guy named Sam Khan Jr left them out, and had Mich St in). Buckeyes were followed by TCU (32), USC (23), and Bama (17)." As Zack and I have said a few times, the 2016 and 2017 classes are going to be absolutely insane for Ohio State. The 2016 class could have them landing the 1, 3 and 4 running backs in the country haha. http://ohiostate.247sports.com/Article/Kareem-Walker-Wont-Keep-Demario-McCall-From-Being-A-Buckeye-34795348
  15. Mel Kiper said that if Cardale were to go this year he was 3rd round, if he came back, started at OSU he would most likely be top 5 pick... Either way, the kid will get drafted next year and have a chance to earn a living in the NFL. Here's something to think about, OSU could have 3 QB's drafted in the 2016 class. Barrett and Jones would both have to declare early, but it's possible. Imagine being able to pitch that to a qb recruit haha. Also, if Jones leaves after next year, which everyone now assumes he will, then the qb depth at OSU isn't as crowded as we once thought it would be 2016: rJr Barrett (given he stays) rSo Collier rFR Burrow rFR Gibson FR 2016 class commit 2017: rSR Barrett (imagine he would be gone at this point but maybe not) rJR Collier rSO Burrow rSO Gibson rFR 2016 commit FR Danny Clark We don't even know if Gibson will end up a QB here at OSU, many feel he ends up a WR. So while right now it looks like OSU has a wealth of riches, in a year or two it could be back to normal where there isn't a ton of QB's on the roster.
  16. Barrett seemed fine under pressure at Michigan State.. The thing I like about Jones over the other 2 is arm strength. Defenses have to respect the threat if him bombing away on them like Peter North on some broad with daddy issues. Defenses can't load the box against him, thus allowing Elliott to run wild. Move the defense up and bombs away. I am a big Barrett fan and think he is the real deal as well. If Jones wins the position and tears it up he'll be gone. Barrett will then be the starter in 2016 and 2017 if he stays his senior year.
  17. Urban Meyer has the need for speed apparently TrackingFootball.com @TrckFootball Follow Amazingly 70% of all Ohio State's 47 recruits since 2013 participated in HS track&field and six ran sub-11 second 100 meters.
  18. The Michigan boards are not fun to troll, they will ban you the first time you begin to do it, ask me how I know haha.
  19. To flip this around from a troll to a positive thing, he held a press conference at his former school, in front of kids there and on tv, to basically tell them that education is more important than being an NFL fooball player. I think the only reason it was held there was to bring some attention to the Ginn Academy and because he wanted to sit down with Urban, Ginn and family at the same time. What better place to do those things, than at the academy. Kudo's to this kid for turning his life around and for trolling the absolute shit out of ESPN and all other media basis. The Michigan boards are absolutely hilarious right now, the hate is strong from them.
  20. Here's another crazy thought I had today while sitting in class, waiting to get home...what if Braxton comes back and plays WR or the H back role. The playbook would be wide open at that point for HB/WR passes. If what was said earlier about him not being able to throw a football again, then this may be his best shot at making a career for himself.
  21. Maybe he doesn't have class today? Kids don't go to school every day haha. I think if anything this almost confirms Braxton is gone, unless they shock the shit out of everyone and all 3 decide to stay and battle one another.
  22. Anyone want to talk to me now? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Tyvis Powell ‏@1Tyvis 57s57 seconds ago The rent is SAFE!!!!
  23. Sadly I think everyone will want a piece of the pie out of Cardale
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