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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I am in this for the long haul fellas! I set a goal of 275 by April 1st as my first real milestone. Well I just weighed myself and, 274.6!! The next goals I have are 250lbs by June 1st and to fit in a size 36 jean by mid summer. I was in a size 40, but those are falling off me even with a belt. I need a new wardrobe as my current clothes look sloppy big on me, which is a good thing.
  2. I will look into that as well, thank you
  3. Hmm I will have to check into that, thanks for the heads up. I've been scowering craigslist and the facebook selling walls as well.
  4. No I need the items listed, thanks though
  5. Looking to buy gym equipment such as bench press, incline bench press, squat rack, leg press, dumbbells, ect.. Let me know what you have, how much you want and a location please.
  6. Heading into week 8 and I am down 30lbs and a ton of inches. I am closing in on my first goal of 275, which makes me pretty happy. Getting in shape has not only given me my life back, but has opened up an avenue of business for me. I will get into those details at a later date, once we get everything on the up and up. Anyways, enough talk and more motivation picture Day 0 to Now http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/10362371_10153229735756907_2480693914341747705_n_zpssn8ycun5.jpg
  7. OSU picked up another 2016 running back. They have the #1, 3 and 4 backs in the 2016 class right now.
  8. Yeah me too, I just dont want to deal with another media circus involving osu
  9. May end up being nothing, but don't even put yourself in that position.
  10. Idiot! Last thing OSU needs is violations or fuel for a media fire.
  11. Ah ok, still pretty impressive and I'd almost bet money it's people who don't even watch basketball haha
  12. Over 11 million brackets were submitted on ESPN, 14 remain perfect
  13. I didnt do a bracket this year, but I was talking to an uncle of mine today and told him that Kansas was going down tonight. Just turned over to the game and they are down 15 with just a little over a minute to go. There really hasn't been much madness outside of the two 13 seeds winning on the first day. We all know barring some form of natural disaster, Kentucky is going to win it all.
  14. Facebook killed most forums. Honda-tech is only good if your searching and or using the drag forum, but even that's been dead lately.
  15. I don't look at it as a stigma at all, I look at it as my personal feelings on the matter. I am glad I wasn't 15 with a kid, but I also have friends who are my same age, have kids who are 10-12 years old and know that they will be free and clear by 36 or so years old. I think part of my thinking comes from the fact that both my parents are still somewhat young (50 and 52) and are still able to enjoy playing with their grandkids. As I said earlier, better now than never and I am really thankful that it's happened to us once again. My worst fear was leaving my son an only child and it appears those fears can be laid to rest now.
  16. Haha, the way I look at it is when he's my age, I'll be 62ish, I want to enjoy my grandkids. I wish we had our son a couple years earlier than we did. I guess now is better than never though and I have plenty of wagons still hanging in my garage haha.
  17. The wife and I found out yesterday, unexpectedly I might add, that we are having another baby. Going off her last "cycle" and using the interwebs, we are looking at a November birth. Both of us are hoping for another boy, since we have a lot of stuff left over from our son and well, we just want another boy haha. In the end though, if its a girl and healthy we will be just as happy. We are done after this one though, I am getting too old to be making babies, I told her no more after 30 (turned that in December), but I think I will let this slide.
  18. That place has been and still is disgusting, in the summertime the shit covering the boardwalk from all the geese make it impossible to walk along. For homeowners out there, yeah it will suck if they drain it and never replace it. I never understood why those houses went for so damn much anyways, even to rent out there is asinine. I have heard from a lot of older folks that during the 70's and 80's you couldn't give a house away out there, then suddenly they were million dollar properties. I can't tell you the last time I have fished, swam or even boated out on Buckeye Lake and it's because of knowing just how nasty the water is. Buckeye Lake as a little town will be more dead than it already is. Even with the lake there, nothing survives and really nothing is there outside of a Creno's, Pizza Cottage and Gas Station. There used to be a pretty decent sized truck stop, but that folded up shop a few years ago and just sits as an empty lot now. They should put a casino there honestly. With all of this said, I have been reading stuff from other local residents that say they don't feel it's going to be drained. Rather the media is just picking up on that part of the story and feeding it to everyone. Maybe they will drain it, repair it and start over fresh, this time not allowing it to get to the level of nastiness that it is currently at.
  19. Thanks man and no problem! Week 5 side by side, dont laugh at the pose, trainer wanted a good shot of my calf muscles. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/10984162_10152808155644624_2102302690799863925_n_zpsv4raockj.jpg
  20. The biggest disappointment for me is how Sam Thompson has not progressed his game to anything other than a dunk.
  21. I'm trying haha, I left the gym today around 6:45 feeling like I was going to puke. Leg day sucks so bad for me being so damn tall. I was able to put up 600lbs on the leg press 8 times, that's 50lbs more than last week. My squat weight isn't where I want it to be, but then again I do a lot of reps (3 sets of 8) vs doing a ton of weight. Eventually I will get all my lifts up where I want them to be and hopefully beyond even.
  22. Well I ended the first month down 22lbs officially, from 309 to 287! My next goal is 275lbs, I would like to hit that by the end of this month. Hopefully the weather starts to turn nice so I can bust out my bicycle and put it to use, we live less than a minute away from the bike path. I figure doing that on days I don't go to the gym, or even on days I do, will help as well.
  23. Ugly as shit and will weight a shit ton
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