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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I think USC is so high because they ar the favorite to win the Pac12. The top 4 on that list to me looks like who espn feels will win their co ferences, thus being a top 4 team most likely come playoff time.
  2. Just wanted to let you know that this thread and your weight loss have played a role in me getting healthy. I along with my wife and brother in law started working out 10 days ago. I am doing cardio (kickboxing) twice a week for an 1hr-1 1/2hrs, its fast pace and kicks my ass. Along with that, I am lifting 3 times a week and dieting. So far I have shed 11lbs. I know a lot of that is probably water weight, but it's a start. My initial weigh in was 309, my goal is 250, but would really love to see 235-240 as that's where I was 5 years ago before the wife got pregnant. The hardest part for me has been the diet as I absolutely love food haha. However, if it means me being able to play with my son, live longer and just feel better over all, then it's worth it. I can say that I do feel better already just by getting the blood moving in my body and the heart rate pumping. I have started eating things I would never have eaten before such as broccoli and oat meal. I think I am going to try tossing some spinach into the diet, I am not a huge fan of green vegetables. I did legs at 6am and then cardio tonight, by the time we were done, I was gassed and loving it. Tomorrow and Friday I am sure I will be hating life as I haven't worked these muscles out in 10-12 years in this capacity. Once I start seeing some noticeable changes, I will post some pics as well.
  3. I am torn on USC, they will either be really good, or a USC team that loses to squads they should murder by 50. I would love to get a chance to watch OSU beat USC in the playoffs this year, that would be right up there with them beating Bama in my eyes.
  4. Bama and Oregon are both over rated in my opinion and will both be 2 loss teams before the playoff selection.
  5. Thanks, we have been told to avoid the cemeteries and to keep wallets in our front pocket. I want to ride the street cars, I feel like this is a destination the wife and I will be going back to at some point with out the little one.
  6. I watched that after the game, the spider cam or whatever they call it was awesome as well.
  7. I watched that after the game, the spider cam or whatever they call it was awesome as well.
  8. The wife and I are heading to New Orleans next month along with our 4 year old. We will be staying there a couple days before heading over to Florida to finish off the trip. I have been looking at things to do in New Orleans and most as expected are aimed towards the adult crowd. Food is an important part of most vacations, so I need to know some good places to eat. I really want to try Alligator and eat some good Po Boys. Also, we will be driving from New Orleans to Florida, so if you know of anything worth checking out along the way through Mississippi or Bama, feel free to share. I know we will be driving along the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, outside of that I have nothing right now.
  9. Hopefully this turns out to be a case of me being wrong and I will be perfectly fine with that. Hopefully the kid comes in, stays out of trouble/the media circus and tears it up on the field.
  10. Hopefully this is the last negative thing we hear about Weber, my money says its not though.
  11. Hopefully this is the last negative thing we hear about Weber, my money says its not though.
  12. He just came out and appologized basically, said he didn't know it was even going on social media. Regardless, to wear a shirt of your new schools arch rival is dumb. I have a feeling he is going to hate fall camp and the upper classmen this year lol
  13. Weber needs to go, kid isn't even out of high school and I'm already tied of him. I get wearing a teams shirt and not meaning anything behind it, but to wear a rivals shirt a week after the drama is just stupid.The video has been taken down, but still why even put yourself in that position. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2015/02/09/jayru-campbell-posts-video-of-ohio-states-mike-weber-wearing-michigan-shirt-video/
  14. Weber needs to go, kid isn't even out of high school and I'm already tied of him. I get wearing a teams shirt and not meaning anything behind it, but to wear a rivals shirt a week after the drama is just stupid. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2015/02/09/jayru-campbell-posts-video-of-ohio-states-mike-weber-wearing-michigan-shirt-video/
  15. Will watch, ice cubes son is playing him and I believe eazy e's kid is as well
  16. ND's Tony Alford is apparently the next guy to be the rb coach at osu. A lot of ppl feel he's actually an improvement over Drayton, especially in the recruiting department.
  17. My thoughts as well, seems like a case of a coach being pissy that his kid didn't pick his own school. We need the St. Thomas pipeline to become a yearly thing and hope Glenville can get the talent level back up. As I said though, if Michigan coaches try banning osu, Ohio coaches should do the same to them.
  18. Cass tech coach apparently is openly stating unless OSU releases Weber, he will funnel kids to Michigan. Talk about dirty tactics lol. Apparently Michigan hired the mom of a recent transfer and also hired the hs coach of Jabril Peppers and the #1 player in 2016, keep living in a glass house Michigan fans. Detroit radio now saying the coach failed Weber and kind of siding with OSU at the moment. Maybe this is the revitalization of the rivalry. If Michigan coaches ban OSU, I say Ohio coaches should ban Michigan. Well see who comes out ahead, my money is on OSU given the fact we have players from 23 states under Urban
  19. Detroit 97.1 calling for all Michigan high school coaches to ban OSU LOL.
  20. http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football-recruiting/2015/02/49845/mike-webers-high-school-coach-sounds-off-on-urban-meyer-ohio-state Mind you, webers coach apparently.played for Michigan and was key in Webers secret trip to UM last weekend. I've also read that the talk of Alabi going to Miami was in part to OSU only taking him if Weber came here. Had Weber chosen UM, Alabi would've been at Miami. Not sure how much truth is there, but it's out there. I look for the OSU/Cass Tech pipeline to be done after this incident.
  21. Not really, more of a gut feeling when I made the statement. Could be more of his coach than it is him, just as much as this isn't a good look for osu and urban, this isn't a good look for Weber and his coach.
  22. Cass tech coach going off on Urban. I'll post the details after class today, basically saying this is Urbana fault and Weber and family are pissed, feel Weber was lied to which is quite ironic, not mad at Drayton LOL.whah fucking whah, let the kid go..I told you Mike Hart pt.2, kid just seems like more issues with his mouth than he is worth.
  23. Yeah I knew climbs was the main guy for the Michigan area, kind of confused why Weber is making a big deal about it. Assistant coaches come and go from high school to pro ball, just how the system works.
  24. I could really care less if the kid ends up at OSU to be honest, as I said in another post, I feel like the next great OSU back is one of the 3 that will be in the 2016 class. I believe he has to come to OSU now that he is committed unless they let him out of it, if not I feel he becomes a transfer candidate at some point in his career.
  25. Lot of talk coming out now that Mike Weber is upset about Drayton leaving. Apparently he took down #buckeyenation and #osurunningback off his bio after posting the previous tweet. I find it funny that this kid feels like he was lied to, when rumors of him secretly going on an official to Michigan last weekend surfaced this week.
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