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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. The 2016 dlinee group should be absolutely loaded.
  2. OSU with a other 2016 verbal Terrell Hall CLASS:^2016 SIZE: 6-5/250 POS:^DE SCHOOL: St. John's College (Washington, DC) COMPOSITE RATING: ★★★★ COMPOSITE RANK:^9 (W-DE)
  3. As if I needed more motivation, I got the results of my.ultra sound back and the diagnosis is liver disease. Thankfully it's the reversable form "fatty liver disease" however the doc is concerned over the amount of it, so sending me to a gastroenterologist. Said the best thing for me is to keep losing weight and eat healthy. I did measurements today after my.workout session. In the last 10 days my waist has gone down 1 1/4" and my chest has gained 1 1/2", that made me feel pretty good. We have been trying new recipes out, last night was homemade wraps, tonight was a low calorie, low carb pizza. I will post pics/recipes of anyone wants them. I will also post another progress pic in next couple days.
  4. I read the same. DoD you see where a report came out saying Oregon chose some other kid over Braxton?
  5. In a strange series of events, Danny Clark (2017 OSU Commit) transferred from Massillon to Akron Hoban according to his dad. Hoban just happens to have Todd Sibley at running back who OSU is after. Clark's dad actually moved the family to Massillon before his freshman year, so Danny could be the qb there...kind of strange that 2 years into it, they are done with that idea.
  6. In before Farkas comments that he would not touch the girl Tilley posted.
  7. I have been watching healthy food channels on yourtube in my free time for some ideas. I'm also going to expand and try different green veggies. I think on my list next is celary and asparagus, maybe they'll grow on me as broccoli has. Having my wife and brother in law doing this with me has made it easier, I don't have someone at home eating junk in front of me and I have a workout partner to push/motivate me. It's become almost competition like with my brother in law as to how many lbs we lose and how much weight/reps we do. Being a competitive person, this works for me.
  8. No problem! I was the king of making excuses, said I didn't have time to goto the gym, no one to go with, ect... Now I'm up at 5:30 dragging ass to the gym twice a week. Those two days, we do cardio at night. In fact were heading there once the wife gets home. I basically had to stop making excuses in order to make changes. Losing 122lbs in a year is awesome! I want to weigh 250 by May, I feel it's possible if I stick with my routine.
  9. This was supposed to come out yesterday, yet here we are today still wondering if it exist and will it be released.
  10. Thanks, I will check that out! The wife got a recipe for low fat, low carb pizza that we're going to try out this week as well. Eating the same thing over and over every day definitely gets old. Luckily I like chicken and fish, I am not a huge fan of vegetables, but i'll manage through it.
  11. My car is 2750 with me in it, I'd like it to be 2450. So yeah losing weight and making my car faster has been in my.head haha. 60lbs off me, 240 off the car.
  12. I keep a book that tracks my weight, reps, sets actually. I have myfitnesspal downloaded on my phone, which I use to track my daily intake. The only thing I don't like about the app is it doesn't have weight lifting or kickboxing in the workout section, so I don't use that function. I judge my workouts based on the amount of sweat I have pouring from my head and how exhausted I am after each. I do use a pre-workout (c4) and post workout (syntha 6 protein shake). I start with a set of 8 warmups no matter what lift I am doing, then we usually do 3 sets of 8, a light weight, last times weight and then a new personal record weight. I end each workout with a set of abs and some other sort of non weight lifting exercise. Today it was 3 sets of parking lot lunges up and back across the gym (6 times total), followed by 50 crunches on the roman chair. Tonight at kickboxing we will do more abs, legs and arms, by the time we are done I will be on the mat dead to the world for about 5 minutes or so haha. I also stretch before lifting or doing any sort of exercising, I have learned that my big body needs to loosen up before doing anything or else I feel like death.
  13. I know a lot of what I lost was water weight, but I don't feel so bloated anymore. My stomach was like a rock before, now it's not nearly as hard. I am prepared to plateau at some point, but will continue doing what I am doing now. I haven't picked up a weight in 12 years, so I am pretty happy with my numbers on each lift. Every time out I have put up more weight than the previous time. Today for instance I did a set of 8 leg presses at 550lbs, last week was 505 8 times. The diet has been the most difficult thing for me as I am not a fan of vegetables, however I am a fan of living longer and enjoying my son. I got to the point where I was unable to really play with him because I was tired, my back hurt and I was lazy basically. My wife signed us up for a 5k in July with some friends, so once the weather breaks I will begin training for that. We live 30 seconds away from the bike path, so I really have no excuse not to use it to my advantage.
  14. You don't realize how big you are, until you step on a scale, start working out and look at side by side shots. That happened to me recently. 3 weeks ago, I went to the dr and was horrified when I got on the scale. I weighed in at 309lbs, by far the most I have ever weighed. Being 6'6 I was able to mask a lot of the weight from others and even myself. I knew I had gained weight because I could feel it in my knees and back especially. After leaving the Dr. I decided it was time to change my life. Seeing Slimpsy's thread on here motivated me as well. I didn't want to take over his thread with my weight loss, so created my own. I started by joining a kickboxing class with my wife and brother in law. Two nights a week, 45-60minutes of high intensity cardio, I also started going to the gym 3 times a week to lift. Twice a week I am at the gym by 6am and the 3rd day is Sunday at noon. The workouts usually last 30-40 minutes, but we get a ton of lifts done in that time, basically just attack it. Exercise is only half the battle, it does no good to exercise and continue to eat like s***. I had to give up one of the things I love most in life, food! Out with window with all the junk and garbage I was putting into my body. My new diet consist of chicken, fish, egg whites and green vegetables. Anyways here is a progress pic, so far I am down 25lbs as of 2/25 and feeling a lot better. I want to lose another 35 which would put me at 250lbs. I will be happy at that weight for a little while, eventually I wouldn't mind cutting back to 235. Aside from me feeling better and being healthy, my car will be lighter haha. I started this journey on 2/4 http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11001860_10153137340701907_8138633244675284997_n_zpsk8gt2mfr.jpg My weekly trip to the grocery store now http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/10957339_10153106252796907_125332162212864029_n_zpszyyzjxxz.jpg Starting to see some definition in my arms and legs (that's my buddy Joel to the left of me, I work out at his gym) http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/10955527_10153134708996907_5677933868631749775_n_zps0sropten.jpg
  15. I have heard from a few people with implants I know, that they have to be replaced every 10 years or so. On the plus side, they have to be massaged in order to keep them from going hard, so you should be able to play with her boobs a lot more than you already do haha.
  16. Before and after pics would allow you to remove the signature and avatar, just saying...
  17. Elliott at #20 is a laugh in it's own right
  18. Report out today on 11w that Braxton will be playing QB this year, didn't say he was starting so don't read it as that. Just said he will not be changing positions, gonna be a battle come fall camp.
  19. I should've read past the section code part lol. Either way I feel its a terrible move by the NHRA. Their ratings are tanking, while street outlaws are doing well.
  20. So apparently all the people that have appeared on Street Outlaws got this letter in the mail basically stating, "if you participate or have anything to do with the television show "Street Outlaws", you will be stripped of your NHRA membership, and won't be permitted to race at nhra tracks or sanctioned races" Fair or foul?
  21. 2016 isnt the issue, 2017 could be. You could have this in 2017 rJR Collier rSO Burrow Freshman Clark Gibson at WR and Barrett gone to the NFL. Suddenly you only have 3qb's and hoping that no injuries occur like last season. I thought I remembered Urban stating when he got the job that they would take a qb every year just to keep the depth up. With that said, I feel the depth right now is scaring a lot of kids away from Ohio State.
  22. Arkansas is def a dark horse, I am not that high on Auburn as they lost their starting qb and their best WR. In OSU recruiting news, it looks like one time favorite to be the 2016 class qb Jarrett Guarantano will be committing to Rutgers, rather than OSU. Word is he was going to commit on signing day this year or right after, but once both Burrow and Gibson committed to OSU he "slowed his process down". Those in the know believe that when Urban came out and said that Gibson was going to be a qb here, that changed the mind of Guarantano. Add to the fact that his dad played for Rutgers and they are the hometown team. There is still time to flip him, but I honestly don't see him in this class. With that said, I would rather have Dwayne Haskins as the 2016 qb. This kid grew up absolutely loving Ohio State and is a baller. Right now, Mayland is the team to beat for Haskins. Another name to keep an eye out for is Jawon Pass out of Georgia, long way to go til next years national signing day, be interesting to see how this class shapes out. Video of Haskins as a kid in OSU's locker room
  23. For once I agree with Jive, I still stick by my statement that Bama loses 2 games minimum this year. I honestly look for either Mississippi State, Missouri or Georgia (finally) to win the SEC. If I had to put money on a pick right this moment, I would go with Missouri, they have the easiest schedule of the 3 I listed and they return their qb who is pretty solid (Mauk)
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