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Everything posted by paktinat

  1. I just wanted to let everyone know the 2nd points event for the OVR Rally-X program is Saturday. Even if you dont think you'll compete, come out and watch and if you ask nice enough you'll get to ride along.
  2. does honda have a "version 8" of something and that confused the media? I always do a double take on nasioc when someone talks about a "v8 STI swap" and they mean a "version 8 STI"
  3. toyota: you dont even need to be in the car for it to unintentionally accelerate. http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/12/2010/04/lexus_photoshop_fail_02.jpg
  4. you're getting worked up over a legal term. In our legal system the guy who got shot was the victim. Just like the girl who got raped on campus recently was allegedly sexually assaulted. these are the terms that are used, get over it.
  5. I was thinking they should sell their camera and buy a real microphone.
  6. All three of newton's motion laws in a single GIF
  7. what speed do you average? some of the guys I ride with are a bit slow and Im not a bad enough dude to ride with the westerville spandex crews yet.
  8. I liked the part where there were a bunch of fat people in a fast food joint
  9. http://www.hulu.com/watch/137456/late-night-with-jimmy-fallon-big-effing-deal-bill
  10. then they can say "look we found .3% of the USA population who think clicking a button is activism"
  11. Only in America will you find people who think clicking a button on a computer is activism.
  12. no comment, but I thought this was funny
  13. I ride everyday, it's how I get to work. Work's not very far, only 4 miles each way. this was my first winter bike-commuting, it wasn't too bad. Now that the weather is nice I do some more recreational ridding. I did 36 miles on sunday.
  14. as far as cable goes, time warner. that what I have, internet only. haven't looked into dsl because i dont have a phone and dont want one.
  15. http://www.experiencecolumbus.com/event-calendar.cfm?cat=9&keyword=&loc=all&sdate=3/05/2010&edate=3/07/2010&free=0&under_ten=0 thats this weekend "for kids" section this is a handy resource when you're jonesing for something to do: http://www.experiencecolumbus.com/event-calendar.cfm
  16. or even better run notepad as administrator by right clicking on it and then opening the hosts file from notepad. since the process is running with escalated privileges it will be able to save, and you dont have to go and make your computer less secure by making your account a super admin.
  17. I;m not that good, they were that bad.
  18. there is a bootable data recovery program I use called media tools pro that has always gotten SOME data back from mechanically failed drives for me. it costs a boat load, but you can steal it if your wise about these things.
  19. I didn't know that was the case on the world level. The last regional I went to was in columbus about 4 years ago. I could have beaten half the pack that night with borrowed records.
  20. Do people not know what the DMC championships are anymore? It's weird that they have to qualify what it is by listing a bunch of winners from over 10 years ago
  21. Easy, buy a 57 chassis to drive, and a 62 chassis to be driven in. If you are buying a car that expensive, you can probably afford 2.
  22. epic beard man interview: http://www.spike.com/video/epic-beard-man/3345915
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