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Everything posted by paktinat

  1. thats very nice of them to give you 8 year old software for free. I've probably got some Pentium-III s you can have for free too.
  2. If you are a student, see if your school already has MSDAA agreements allowing you to essentially get everything from technet for free http://www.msdnaa.net/search/SchoolSearchUS.aspx
  3. paktinat

    Ipod ?s.

    in terms of sound quality: AUX jack > tape adapter > FM transmitter that plugs inline with the motorola antenna connector > transmitter through air > computer speakers >passenger singing. use the best one you can.
  4. QFT Furthest for me was 9.5 hours. in a stripped 86 gti with solid motor mounts wearing ear plugs.
  5. Also this is great; from cognac.com: http://cognac.com/kanye-and-cognac-its-the-class-not-the-glass/
  6. Also, that video of him back stage is 2 years old. He's still a bitch, but that tirade is unrelated to Taylor swift
  7. I dont see how selling someone healthcare at a market value is aid.
  8. So you dont want the city to pick up their trash? And you'd like to let them die if they've been in an accident? Maybe we can start having a panel of border control agents checking citizenship papers at ERs now. We could even call them death panels.
  9. Wilson called the president a liar about providing health care for illegals , as in for free, which this bill strictly forbids. If illegal aliens want to buy health care, they should be able to. It will save me money from having to pay for ER visits. If you are saying that they should not be allowed to buy healthcare then thats a different argument altogether.
  10. I think you may have misread your 'proof' that document contradicts your statement is two ways:
  11. http://cloudfront.mediamattersaction.org/static/images/lie.jpg
  12. +1 http://images.huffingtonpost.com/gen/103683/thumbs/s-JOE-WILSON-large.jpg
  13. http://newyorkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/caj_zombamification.png
  14. Word. I think its the 3 syllable last name that throws them.
  15. So you are worried about what might happen, or what you think might happen? You better take your kids out of school all together before they hear other kids talking about other stuff like religion or race at "someone else's pace." You are essentially making an argument for homeschooling.
  16. Brewing is a lot of fun especially if you can get a few friends over and make a night out of it. Also once you have it bottled giving it out to people if fun and people really appreciate gifts that you made with your own hands. My suggestions is to try as many different 'styles' of beer and find a few that you like, then try different breweries offering of those styles. here is a quick list of types you could run down http://www.beerhunter.com/beerstyles.html For me it was more of finding the ones I don't like so I can avoid them in the future (example, I'm not a fan of Hefeweizen)
  17. the problem is people who didn't stumble onto this movie a few years after it came out, watched it under recommendation of friends who over-hyped it and then it was a big let down. Same thing happened to me with children of men.
  18. dont they turn that shit over to a collections agency though?
  19. when was the date of you ticket? http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/28/2852.asp
  20. you can pay for "rush" processing. I did the normal option and I got mine in 4 weeks.
  21. what does it take to make these things legal to drive on the street?
  22. I've pronounced it "S-H-O" like spelling it out like an abbreviation for something. On the commercials they pronounce it "Show" Is this new or have I been wrong all this time?
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