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Everything posted by paktinat

  1. I'd write "I have 200K to invest" on the back of all my business cards, win every "free" lunch from those fishbowl things sponsored by american express in columbus, then pick the guy who bothered me the least to give all the money to make it work for me.
  2. I have no degree or any substantial certs. 6 years experience, though. And I'll have a computer science engineering degree in march. probably looking for security+ and then CISSP in the next 2ish years.
  3. Something doesn't add up here..... this is a blizzard: http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2010/01/post_179.html
  4. http://images.oddlyspecific.com/oddlyspecific/2009/12/129065296991368608.jpg
  5. paktinat


    cartogram map of election results: results by county http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2008/countymapredbluer1024.png results by county skewed based on population http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2008/countycartredblue512.png
  6. paktinat

    Nexus One

    not sure what the good SERO was. I used to work for them in late 90s. I still have that plan and they never canceled it when I canceled working for them. 3000 anytime, unlim. nights/weekends, unlim text, unlim data: $35/month
  7. paktinat

    Nexus One

    true. I'm just sad because sprint always seems to get left off and my grandfathered plan is too sweet of a deal to change carriers.
  8. paktinat

    Nexus One

    grumble, grumble, sprint, grumble.........
  9. paktinat

    XBOX HELP!!!

    I was really surprised that my ipod worked. Micro center has 8Gb flash drives for a song these days, one of my buddies picked one up specifically for music and downloaded movies on his 360
  10. paktinat

    XBOX HELP!!!

    not really what you asked, but just an FYI; 360 will play songs off of an iPod if you just plug it in with a USB cable (or any usb flash drives too) Also if you use windows media center on your PC and its on the same network as your 360 it can just stream the music over the network.
  11. http://www.aacentraloffice.us/images/aa_second_edition.jpg
  12. he lived, you can see in this at about the 19 second mark on the left: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdT2UUg1zYU
  13. i was playing poker with a bunch of grad students who are from out of the county when this aired. They were like "I dont see how this is supposed to be funny" and I was like "what do you mean?" long story short, they thought that these people were actors playing dumb. it was beyond comprehension that these were actual people who were this stupid.
  14. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7223/balls2n.jpg http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9781/ballsqr.jpg
  15. http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Technology/images/heart-attack.jpg
  16. My old roomate is a audio engineer, email him and ask him if he can do it: 218robertmorse@gmail.com
  17. the other cool thing I read about this image is they pointed it at a "dark" section of the sky; that is there is nothing visible to the human eye in the section they did the scanning. Also, the tiny red dots are galaxies that are so far away that the light just reaching us is 13 billion years old.
  18. 120% of people have an opinion. http://images.politico.com/global//blogs/fox.rasmussen.jpg
  19. im not knocking you for liking xp-64, you'd just be the first person I've ever heard who would describe it in a sentence that didn't contain expletives. personally the 3rd party driver support killed it in my eyes, then MS started giving up on it before it really got going.
  20. So you are using the terrible 64-bit version of XP?
  21. http://dilbert.com/dyn/str_strip/000000000/00000000/0000000/000000/70000/5000/400/75449/75449.strip.gif
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