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Everything posted by spankis

  1. And everyone is surprised...
  2. Howdy and welcome! Not a bike guy but I have soft-spot for small block mopar junk.
  3. Can I get the kickass insight into how this latest impeachment process compares to the first? I'm thinking in terms of: - potential seriousness of the allegation(s) - investigative process involved (and why?) - witnesses involved (and why?) Can you weigh in on how Marjorie's basis for impeachment you linked above compares?
  4. This is just like, my opinion, man, but I think you just might be choosing to selectively ignore some big chunks of reality here bud. I think you're also stretching the realities of what did happen to include some things that really just didn't.
  5. Can you offer an example of the potential "misuse" of this precedent moving forward? I'm afraid it's lost on me. Am I a big 'ol dummy? I thought it was pretty well documented fact that it was planned well in advance. Seems pretty foolish to suggest that all the people gathered at the capitol in the short time between when Trump spoke and when the capital was "stormed". Is this new information for you or what? I don't understand the "which one is it" commentary. Just looking to poke holes in the credibility of the allegations I guess? Literally the first result that comes up, noting the December 28th tweets: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/protests/trump-supporters-rally-protest-january-6-maga-protest/65-2639563a-b04e-4a40-a028-23083673d46b Further reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/12/23/president-trump-has-called-supporters-plan-dc-rally-to-overturn-his-loss-on-day-congress-certifies-election/?sh=6b559bab4c9b https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/04/maga-marchers-trump-last-stand-454382
  6. I think Duff on here has been recommended before? Somebody will chime in I'm sure.
  7. If you were to go the coyote/sleeper route, I've always enjoyed the dudes who go with widened factory wheels rather than going aftermarket. Love it! https://lmr.com/item/LRS-1007ZNC/Mustang-Pony-Wheel-Center-Cap-17x10-Silver-79-93
  8. You're missing the point. Each side has "bad actors", and sane "protesters" following the law. No need to get into proportions of sanity within each group here I don't suppose, but maybe worth considering. Bottom line is that the president directly requested/directed/instigated what occured at the capitol, called them special people, and then told them that he loved them and that they should go home having mostly concluded the "fight" he requested. The attempts at "but dah BLM protests" comparisons should be viewed as the distraction attempt they are. Separate note, but I can't help but ask myself if so many middle-aged men of a certain age would view Nancy Pelosi with near as much hatred and disgust if she were male. Imagine for moment, a Nathan Pelosi if you will, with all the same views/quotes/positions.
  9. It's not that all the words stir the pot, it's that the soup has been served.
  10. I'm going to say it's because he can't presently be trusted to function in public. The same reason Sleepy 'Ol Joe has managed to put out 2 very coherent live statements compared to Donnie's pre-recorded teleprompter read with half a dozen visible editing cuts.
  11. Yep, that's him. Orange Man? I hear he's bad. Also, this guy here hasn't given me a great reason to think he's lying: https://theweek.com/speedreads/959671/maryland-governor-said-repeatedly-denied-authorization-send-national-guard-dc
  12. Strange, this flies directly in the face of recorded statements from the president claiming he "immediately" called in the national guard himself. I'm torn with who to believe here... a quandary indeed.
  13. Mike Pence, super serious squinty face or not, is a joke of a man.
  14. Lol, when the left "did the same thing". I'll repeat myself - you're DELUSIONAL. If you're not crystal clear on what I mean, I don't recall any "leftist" protests breaking into active sessions of congress or the senate.
  15. Today at the Capitol is a whole bunch of "SOP" folks. Nothing to see here, all normal, standard stuff.
  16. I don't know how this devolved into "everybody lies" like it has, but here we are. It's not about the lies per se, or the fabricated data and testimony, it's about the president and his lawyers directly pressuring an elected official to bend the rules/results/reality to suit their preferred outcome. It's also about thinly veiled (if veiled at all) threats being made if the person being pressured doesn't comply. Greg has said all of this already, but it's not hearsay, or media perspective, or taken out of context. It didn't occur the day after the election, or the week after. It occurred this past weekend, after all the court rulings had been made, ballot counts certified, etc. etc. It's exactly what was said, and was recorded for anyone to hear. Cue the continual stream of: - Trump is stupid, he says dumb things - Trump didn't really mean that, he meant this other thing he didn't say instead (obviously) - Trump may have done this thing, but non-republicans have done the same/worse/pick your adjective - It's what politicians do, duh Anyone who can dismiss this behavior is ignorant, a fool, or thinks everyone other than them must be.
  17. My parents had an ice covered tree limb go through the membrane layer of their 32' travel trailer a few years back. From what I remember it was like a 4" hole. Insurance covered the repair, and replacing the full membrane was the solution, so all of the roof-mounted stuff like A/C, vents, antenna, etc. all had to come off, new membrane front to rear glued down, caulked, etc., then all that shat was re-installed and caulked around. I don't know what the bill to insurance was, but from memory I think that's what a "fix it right" roof repair effort entails. I will say that I spend a lot of time on membrane roofs of buildings for work, and those are patched/re-sealed pretty frequently and typically only fail when somebody tears a whole on them via foot traffic, dropping tools or equipment, etc. Now buildings aren't going 70mph down the freeway, but food for thought.
  18. No idea on avalanches or this vintage of gm truck, but rag joint maybe? It's the universal joint between the column and the box, usually a foot or two out from the firewall. Replaced my grandpa's on an 88 chevy he used to have and it was WAY bad when I did.
  19. I'm interested in learning why Mace might be misinformed. I continue to encounter other Maces at work who repeat the same lines but can't provide sources much beyond hearsay.
  20. Their Roku app is a touch buggy, but I'm also still happy with it.
  21. Man this is pretty telling: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/16/trump-appointee-demanded-herd-immunity-strategy-446408 So it would appear that team Trump was maybe playing with a different set of cards altogether. Sorta like showing up to the poker table with your own UNO deck.
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