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Everything posted by Benner

  1. http://www.pizzapapalis.com/ Some of the best pizza I've ever had. It's a mandatory stop for us after NAIAS.
  2. Bingo. Glad I went to the hospital when I did. 13 days at Riverside and now in inpatient therapy. Got lucky with my situation for the short future
  3. Just released this afternoon from the hospital. Now for a long stint in inpatient therapy. Docs are looking at up to a month or more. I'm hoping to be back home to my wife by Valentine's Day
  4. Exactly like stated above, bored out of my mind a lot and played the demo probably 10 times through now but it's only for 100 minutes at a time. Have an account just cant justify paying $26.99 for a time waster right now since I cant work. Looking for other LEGAL routes of obtaining the game at least a little cheaper.
  5. Galaxy S4 will work as a remote for most tv/cable boxes
  6. Now I expect you to take my crippled ass for a ride.
  7. She's a Neuro Surgeon. SO doubt she's doing any on my case.
  8. Dr. Lane She's part of a team of 3 from what I understand.
  9. It can start spontaneously but has been linked to viral infection, bacterial infection, and vaccinations. I was sick about a month and a half ago with a stomach and flu bug so they're think that caused it. However to truly diagnose this could take years just because they have to see how it progresses
  10. Still at Riverside in the Brain/Stroke Neuro wing. I can't say enough praises about all the staff that have been working with me. Had a team of probably 20+ different doctors and nurses making sure I'm well taken care of and everything is going according to plan. Anyway on to the information.. My main Neurologist has spent hours and hours reading and researching and everyone is pretty sure I have whats called Adems (Acute Disseminated Enchephlomyelitis). It's a Demyelenating Auto Immune Disease. So basically my immune system is attacking the myelin sheath (think of the plastic/rubber insolater around wire) around the nerves in my lower spine and corpus collosum in the lower back of my brain, causing nerves to touch and send all kinds of irradic signals down my lower extremities. So basically I can't correctly control anything below my belly button. It's sort of like a very aggressive quick attacking MS. However much rarer, the highest statistic I've seen is 8/1,000,000 children, with adults being more rare. Mortality rates are 5% and full recovery at around 80%. Since the last update (about Friday IIRC) I'm now able to stand, transfer, and use the walker within my room. They have me taking heavy regimens of steroids as well as 5 rounds of plasmapheresis which is when they exchange all the plasma in my blood system. It's essentially a fancy Dialysis exchange. It wears me out for about 4 hours but then I'm completely wired for the next day and a half till the next round. They're expecting I should be out of the hospital by Monday if not sooner and I'll be taken to inpatient therapy where I'll focus on relearning to walk and use my lower extremities. I'll probably be there for around a month, and given approval can return to work. Also cant say enough kind words for the team at Chesrown Chevrolet for holding my job for me. I'd only been there for 3 weeks so they are under no obligation to keep my job for me and honestly didn't expect them to.
  11. From vehicle damage besides minor cosmetics, definitely BMW. More bent and broken rims than I care to count. Even on non crazy low profile tires. Otherwise Honda
  12. Not sure if they've improved them but be careful of the autos in the 2012+ focus. No a lot of people burning the clutches out of them. Definitely not Audi auto quality
  13. I'll second Cordell on the Chevy Cruze. Its not fast by any means but the Gas Eco Cruze in manual is a nice little driver. I can drive mine like I stole it and and still haven't averaged below 32mpg over a tank. Not gonna win any drag races (except maybe a Prius?). Don't see many of them in for service either.
  14. Benner

    Medical Update

    As much fun as that would be they'd all hate me for it lol. Had a lot of emotional friend and family support so that's really helping out. Basically been dealing with all the boring stuff now
  15. Benner

    Medical Update

    Well still stuck at Riverside. Been here since saturday and as it stands I'll be here till Tuesday at least. Neurologist is pretty sure its either MS or Adems. Both of which are autoimmune diseases and are attacking my lower spine and brain. Currently have pic lines into my Corotid Artery in my neck and they're doing three rounds of plasmapheresis every other day. After all the hospital stuff is taken care of I'll be off to inpatient therapy for a nice little stay there. Docs saying I could be on disability for up to 12 months. However the shorter the better. During to get back to work.
  16. I'd give anything to be there but not going to be possible for the foreseeable future
  17. Thanks for all the wishes and prayers everyone. Been really blessed today. No insurance so when the billing department came in they got some info and then told us they were going to cover our stay so that'll get rid of a good part of the hospital bill. My uncles church took up a collection unbeknownst to us an gave us several hundred dollars to cover bills at home
  18. Thanks everyone. Sounds like today is going to be a long day of tests and waiting. They did a lumbar puncture earlier and doing another MRI Later
  19. They're thinking I may have MS and this is a first flare up. Unable to walk whatsoever this morning . couldn't even stand myself
  20. Woke up Wednesday Morning with my right leg bugging me. By Thursday afternoon I had to leave work early due to light headedness and aching in both legs. Grady ER dismissed it as simple back pain. Friday I couldn't walk, couldnt hardly stand, had trouble speaking without my words breaking up, and hadn't been able to urinate in 24 hours. So to riverside we went. They immediately realized something was wrong and started tests. After an MRI of my brain and lower spine they came back with devastating news. I have inflammation/lesions on my lower spine and brain. They immediately admitted me and are beginning to treat and test me for MS. So any of you all that pray or have family that pray please have them say a prayer for my family and myself as we go through this trying time. I'll be hear for at least 5 days
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