had a 2012 Acura TL come in with around 4-5k miles, guy said "the a/c system just stopped working, it'll turn on then shuts off instantly and I don't know why" I installed the gauges and what do you know pressures were way too high, I evaced the system and pulled out .71kgs, max is .55kgs. I recharged the system with the max amount .55kgs system works fine, I told the service adviser what I found and its not warranty, adviser said "you know this guy called in yesterday asking if his car takes R134a", after I heard that I knew what the jackass did.
the guy is impatient like all Acura owners, admitted he did add some R134a, said the a/c system shouldn't take that long to cool, well sir its blistering hot outside and when you park outside in the sun with your windows up and the sunshade open ALL day in the blistering heat its gonna take some time for your car to cool down inside.