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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. fucking hilarious, i couldn't help laughing throughout the whole story. it was her first date right after getting divorced. women (and guys) forget how to date after being married for a long time. she made all kinds of rookie mistakes---didn't really talk to him before the date. drove to the date in his car. didn't have her girls at the bar next door ready to save her if the guy turned out to be a weirdo, etc. dude ordered her a meatball sub, while he ordered surf and turf. and then ate half of her sub while she was gone. made a comment to the waiter, asking him if he thought she had fake boobs.


    I love this.

  2. I'm just looking for ideas, not someone to tell me what I have to do.


    2 people I know did the railroad neither are working right now both laid off.



    Gave it a thought awhile back, too tall to fly. Air Force wants me to be like 220 otherwise I'd do that lol



    Ideas for which career path?


    Again, what would you ultimately enjoy doing?

  3. In all honesty the degree does not help as much as you would think (IMO). Many if not most people who hire these days are not interested in your education or your background. In the 20 interviews I had in 2015 only once was I asked to describe or discuss my education. Many of the interviews were more interested in the experience I had or how I choose to problem solve different situations. In the event of my educational interviews people were more interested in my experiences with children and what other teachers had to say about me. In short, 4 years at a university does not mean much. Many places now add "4 years at university or equivalent experience" to their job descriptions.


    Yes, I have a degree... No, it does not mean much in the real world. My B.S. is in Education for the record. :p


    I am currently applying to every place that looks fun to me. Jewtoys has a point. Pick something that you enjoy doing. What do you wake up in the morning and dream of doing each day? pick a carrier path that excites you or makes you want to leave your house and go to each day. I am currently trying to apply to every IT position I can find, sure 90% of the people don't give a shit about my resume, but i'm trying my best to advance my dreams and make a life for myself... why should you be any different?


    I disagree with "Asking others for career advise won't lead to happiness." On the contrary, I think you can learn a lot from your peers. Starting with the question "what do you enjoy doing?" is it cars? tech? anything else? make a lit of things that excite you or what you are passionate about and go from there. the only person though, in the end who will motivate you is yourself. you got to have the drive and the motivation to take control of your life and point it in the direction that you want to go. You got this! :thumbup:




    Asking a group of people how you should spend the next 30 years of your life, I don't feel is going to have a great end result.


    Someone can sell you on a career, but you might not end up on the same path as that person giving the advise.


    A career choice should only come from within, otherwise following others dreams, or chasing the money will lead him right back to where he is now. Feeling stagnant and lost.

  4. Listen if we are dropping a few hundred thousand on a house I don't want to be surrounded by section 8 housing' date=' and Somalians. If that offends you in sorry but it's my decision. I also don't want to be surrounded by a bunch or meth and heroine junkies.[/quote']



    So someone who is "ethnic" cannot afford a nice home, and only live in section 8 housing?


    If you're dropping a few hundred thousand on a purchase, you already know the neighborhood.



    Also it's heroin, spelling isn't difficult.

  5. Here is a budget idea I have been thinking of as a handling "toy":


    A first generation bradley GT:



    Good solid runners can be had for about $2500. They use a VW beetle pan/chassis which means if you found one built on a super beetle chassis you have a McPherson front suspension instead of the solid axle, similar to a Porsche 356 or a 912 but without the monocoque. The fiberglass body means they are lighter than the beetle they are built upon, especially if you strip off all the street gear like bumpers, doors, carpet, and headlights. Basically you end up with a large fiberglass bodied go-kart. I think of them as poor man's lotus but without all the cache attached to the lotus name plate.


    I don't think there is a competitive class for auto-x they fit into if you want to chase SCCA points, but for a car that can teach you the basics of chassis setup and balance and then take to a track day or a parking lot cone bashing session you can't really get much more analog or simpler. I figure you can probably do the whole setup plus car for $5K which means you don't need to sell the z4M. The old VW tuning world is huge with great aftermarket support and knowledge base. a 1600cc motor with webers would probably get you in the 100hp ballpark which in a car that weighs 1200-1500lbs is significant.


    a 356 replica would deliver the same thing but most good running driving bashers start at $10K and you are really only paying for a body shape at that point. Sure a Bradley is not the most...ahem...pleasing looking car (it's kind of garish even by 60's/70's standards) but you aren't buying it for how cool it looks, you are buying it for all the fun and learning experience you can have making a low powered car embarrass other much more complex cars around a cone course. Avoid the Bradley GT II as those cars use much more proprietary parts and are much heavier. don't expect super build quality either, these were budget kits on an economy car chassis, but again you are looking for something to abuse so it is ok to be a little rough. I can pretty much guarantee you that it would be unique, you don't even see these things are car shows anymore, let alone chasing time.


    here is a really nice starting place:


    it's a little pricy for a Bradley but the seller is negotiable.



    Those things are atrocious, and should be left to degrade at the trailer parks 99% of them reside.

  6. x2. I have seen the double cross move before too


    If someone is willing to leave their current position, for a better opportunity, what's wrong with that? The OP is obviously seeking the person out due to a skill set, and is mostly likely going to compensate above their current rate.



    I don't know about you, but I prefer to move up in the world.

  7. 1.) Obviously cut the drinking out completely


    2.) Exercise. You don't want to go solo, or with anyone.... Hire a trainer, spending decent coin will motivate you to go.


    3.) Clean eating


    4.) Set goals and work towards them


    5.) Read


    6.) Volunteer


    7.) Stop posting negative shit online, and get off your ass and make some changes. Only you can make those changes, posting about them isn't going to do anything...

  8. I've never seen a Star Wars movie, but ended up needing to kill time with the GF this weekend while out of town.


    Considering I'm not a fan boy, I found it to be incredibly boring, and cheesy... But I suppose these films are geared towards adolescents.

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