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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. Someone please explain the cons to a ignant soul such as myself... I see no cons but I have a middle of the road look at the issue
  2. These are everywhere here in the charlotte area, it's hard to find chipotles which stinks. Moes and qudoba blow
  3. Set everything up at your friends server farm :fuckyeah:
  4. I would have worked with the dealer if they weren't dicks. My cars oil cooler exploded on the highway and almost killed me. It's a recall so they took care of it for free. The whole time I was told the clam had to come off which is why it took them two days, as soon as I noticed the cracked clam they claimed it was never off. They tried to back pedal on everything they said and pointed the finger at the tow company... I watched the car bein loaded and unloaded and pretty sure I would have noticed them cause the crack. Yeah $8,500 is insane but I don't put the price on parts
  5. The bumper is all one piece. The front clamshell of the car that is. I didn't cause the crack the dealer did or the tow company, so my insurance will be going after them anyways. I wasn't going to accept them making a repair to a thick long crack that I had nothing to do with. Maybe on a a car I don't care about, but not something I take care of.
  6. Because Lotus taxes parts? No my problem.
  7. I had it settled the same day, took a few calls. To have it repaired which I wasn't going to accept, as I didn't cause the damage. The repair they quoted $1,300 the body shop I took it to quoted the replacement at $8,500 They cut me a check for the $8,500
  8. Wanna share some fat? I've been trying to gain weight for years
  9. The front clamshell of my car has a monster crack in it from either the dealer when it was worked on or the tow company. It's hard to say which one for sure caused it? But I'm obviously able to file a claim against my own insurance company. Well they took a look and just want to repair it. I'm not willing to accept that being repaired and maybe having the paint match, etc. The car was mint prior and I feel it should be returned back to being mint, not trying to repair the monster crack that's split all the way through the clam.I have never had to file a claim before, what is my best option at this point? I really don't want to call a attorney but they are trying to cut the check to have it repaired only..
  10. I can't take ma guns to get ma-sef some of dem wings either
  11. This site is ridiculous Columbusgunsimafraidofeverything.com
  12. Most states are like this, pussy
  13. 4,000lb track car?! That would feel great tossing that around.... Not
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gDX2anG6nE :gabe:
  15. Yeah I would never want to actually live in Hickory.. I wouldn't recommended it
  16. I don't think SC has inspections. Also here in NC we pay taxes yearly on our cars,bike,jet skis, boats,etc :fuckyeah:
  17. I know! Maybe I will have to save my penny's for a little for the point
  18. If I were to leave mooresville it would be to Davidson, also another nice area. But I love having lake norman in the backyard
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