I bought a ton of these on sale (17 of them) for my storage server, desktop, and a few as replacements in case of failure. For my use case, I shucked the cases for the drives inside. The drives inside the casings are the awesome WD Red 8TB (non red-pro) however they may also be "white label" drives, which are the exact same thing as reds with different flags enabled (TLER disabled by default, can be enabled)
EVERYTHING there is to know about these easystores can be found in the link below. If you plan on shucking them, read up on the 3.3v disconnect. Not a problem if using a backplane. Can be fixed with tape or just using a sata>molex connector.
Three of them for sale. $120 each, brand new in box still shrinkwrapped. A WD Red 8TB by its self is $250. Save over $100 by buying it with an external enclosure! No, it does not make sense, but that's how they do.
edit; reason for selling, long term plans with cloud migration and/or full SSD array.