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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2197/84c77ce162a34ebd596d102.jpg http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2492/summaryimage02.jpg
  2. +1 +2 Anyone that genuinely believes she is an intelligent person worthy of holding any political office needs to slowly die in a grease fire.
  3. Its like Johnny Got His Gun, but 23 years longer. Thats pretty terrible. Laying there with no way to express you are mentally alive, for longer than I've been alive. Wow.
  4. Thank god for GPU accelerated flash... I have zombies..and people..everywhere..
  5. "Blocky" interior is far easier to keep clean, or at least that's how I see it. That's a nice thing to have with kids.
  6. Very cool... You should of made it out of legos though
  7. Did the same thing to a Scepter LCD months back.. Do you have the board removed already? How small are the caps? shouldnt be that hard of a job.
  8. she can just massage that out of him too
  9. LOL! Someone in the office took a cellphone video of it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqTItdUlJPk&NR=1
  10. Someone has a bad case of the Mondays
  11. only gay if balls touch
  13. Because cellphones are not beneficial to people looking for work. No jobs would ask that you have a cellphone, because they just aren't useful. That's why there has never, ever been a box on a job application for a cellphone number.
  14. Oohhh nooooooo! http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/7786/114581performanceartist.gif
  15. Some of the BMWs...300zx...How about a MR2 or Fiero edit:for clarity, i thought you meant only rwd hatches.
  16. What the fuck. How is that hosted on youtube?..
  17. Depends. If the food sucks, or is barely cooked, or blah blah blah, thats the chefs fault. The waiter/waitress will probably apologize and hopefully they will refund it. If they can't refund it, that's the managements fault. But in that case, that's bullshit if they were just dicking around while you had to do everything on your own. If the tip is supposed to be mandatory, add it to the fucking bill.
  18. A netbook wouldn't be bad at all. Oh and hey, you can install OS X flawlessly on a lot of them ...Well not after 10.6.2, they've killed off Atom support.
  19. Look for the riced out cars at a junkyard
  20. So the dad skipped the judicial process for us? Oh well, someone needs to skip it for the dad..save everyone some money.
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