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Everything posted by PRD2BDF

  1. To all the dumb fucks that come barreling up to my ass while I'm going 70 MPH or so in the left lane... GIVE ME SOME GODDAMN TIME TO MOVE OVER. I just love when they won't give me time to move over. I may not have moved over earlier for several reasons: 1. I'm overtaking a slower car in the right lane. 2. You're coming up so fast that I don't notice you in my rearview mirror until you're three inches from my bumper. 3. I"m unable to move over because there are no spaces in the right lane for me to merge in so I'm not going to speed up for your sake. You can wait. Thank you.
  2. What about just renting a U-haul and a trailer and transport it yourself. That way, you can carefully wrap the car and know that it's properly secured/cared for.
  3. PRD2BDF

    Weed Trimmer

    Whatever I can find at yard sales. True story: I bought a push mower at a yard sale for 20 bucks and it's over 15 years old and it has not broken down at all and runs better than the 5 year old Craftsman mower we have.
  4. I imagine that if the mob wasn't there, the driver and the lady would have resolved issues (cops may be called to legally resolve it or make some kind of deal such as pay the hospital bills etc). I don't blame the driver for flooring it out of there, but thought it was unnecessary to go that fast as the maximum running speed of people are typically 5-10 mph or 15 mph for the people in that video. I would have just drove away at about 30 MPH and pulled over in a safe area to call the cops to inform what happened. tl;dr Woman not at fault IMO, did not have to drive that fast to get out of the mob.
  5. DAILY! For me, it's the refreshed Dodge Avenger, mainly the one dressed in Blacktop. Say what you want but I think they're decent cars. When I was in Oregon for three months, I had two Avenger rentals (I've had: Avengers, the new Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Caravan, Charger, Silverado, and a few others) and the Avenger was my favorite. Drove nicely, stopped nicely, had adequate power, and just felt comfortable. The interior refresh did wonders for it. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c161/spedponcho/001-2013-dodge-avenger-blacktop628opt_zpsf7004be5.jpg Share yours and prepare for mocking.
  6. I'm glad. I think it's becoming ridiculous when schools are focusing on minor issues such as name signs. It's just a name sign and nothing more than that. It is our distinct identity. Often, many Deaf people will forget the actual name itself but they never forget the name sign so when the name sign is brought up, everyone knows right away who they are talking about.
  7. So if any of us are up in the area, give us ride in pre-production cars under wraps? Or even let us see cars that's not yet been revealed.
  8. Just start cutting a bit at a time and when questioned, say "me speak no English" and walk away
  9. I looked at the National Trails schedule and it seems that it won't happen until October? Will there be any during the summer or is it just packed full of events? Anyone know of any test and tune sessions. I checked Killkare and did not see any during the summer.
  10. When I got nabbed for 15 over it was 150 but 20 over will probably be higher
  11. Watched it tonight, loved it. Just very enjoyable to watch. No expectations or standards.
  12. If the trans does fail, hit up Redline, I heard they do amazing things with 4T65s. Or was it Triple Edge? One of these companies, I'm sure.
  13. I don't care as long I have A1 sauce and it's not pink anymore.
  14. Oh, shows you how little I know about boats other than they float and can sink.. Disregard my previous suggestion then.
  15. I would rather have a nice pontoon myself. Can hold a lot of people and some are quick enough to have some fun with.
  16. Is it easy to remove? I purchased some wax and it gives a nice gloss but is a pain to remove the haze.
  17. Not completely sold on the plastidip but looks nice otherwise!
  18. In my defense, the last time, it was a 2.0T and completely stock. I got it tuned but it got totaled. This one has the 2.8T so it has a bit more punch but now weighs more than the sedan. d'oh. Highway merging is spectacular though.
  19. PRD2BDF

    sup oven

    Thanks for serving and giving us a blurry picture. Looks like a Cobalt, amirite?
  20. I wonder how the Saab would hold up against a R. I imagine not too well. Looks nice!
  21. Wait, it has a 4 cylinder? Interesting, I didn't know that
  22. It must make like 230 tq now?
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